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Request type Study
Subspecialty Cytology
Set Cytology
Topic Cerebrospinal Fluid
Presenter MGH

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

74-year-old female. History of metastatic breast carcinoma and ventricular shunt placement. Iac0 Brain parenchyma.

Case 2

67yo F w/history of metastatic lung adenocarcinoma Mlz8 Metastatic adenocarcinoma

Case 3

59 year old man with multiple sclerosis on high dose dexamethasone Lz17 Fungal forms consistent with Cryptococcus neoformans. Narrow based budding yeast (do not mistake for RBCs).

Case 4

66 year old M with history of a spine cord lesion and suspicion for Lyme's disease Lcm51 Lyme's disease pleocytosis

Case 5

67 year old male with mental status changes and ring enhancing lesions in the parietal lobe. Cfh13 No malignant cells identified. Cryptococcus.

Case 6

76 year-old man with a history of CLL and symptoms concerning for new CNS involvement. Cfh13 Positive for malignant cells with clonal B cell population on flow cytometry. Clonal B cell population and large malignant cells of unclear etiology. Concurrent surgical specimen: DLBCL consistent with Richter's transformation of patient's known CLL.

Case 7

66 yo F with a history of high grade B cell lymphoma. Cfh13 No malignant cells identified. Chondrocytes.

Case 8

25 yo M with a history of medulloblastoma status post resection. Cfh13 Poorly differentiated round cell malignancy. IHC on subsequent biopsy confirmed recurrent/residual medulloblastoma.

Case 9

37 yo woman with a history of melanoma Cfh13 Metastatic melanoma.

Case 10

65 yo F with NSCLC Ndk6 Adenocarcinoma consistent with metastasis from patient's known lung primary.

Case 11

67 yo M with known metastatic prostate cancer Ndk6 Metastatic adenocarcinoma cytomorphologically consistent with the patient’s known prostate primary

Case 12

59 yo M with a history of AML Ndk6 Blasts present consistent with involvement by the patient's known leukemia.

Case 13

48 yo M with a history of adenocarcinoma lung primary. Ndk6 Metastatic adenocarcinoma

Case 14

74yo F with history of lung cancer who presents with acute and chronic intractable nausea and vomiting Ndk6 Adenocarcinoma consistent with metastasis of the patient's known lung primary.

Case 15

66 yo M with a history of transformed follicular lymphoma and CAR-T on trial. Ndk6 Positive for malignancy c/w patient's know transformed follicular lymphoma

Case 16

57 yo M with a history mantle cell lymphoma and known CNS involvement. Ndk6 Positive for malignant cells compatible with involvement by mantle cell lymphoma

Case 17

57 year old male with history of GBM Ndk6 Malignant neoplasm consistent with patient’s known glioblastoma

Case 18

69 YO F with history of B cell lymphoma Ndk6 Negative for Malignancy- Abundant acute inflammation rare lymphocytes and monocytes

Case 19

49 yo F with altered mental status convulsions and history of high grade serous carcinoma Ndk6 POSITIVE FOR MALIGNANT CELLS- Adenocarcinoma with focally micropapillary and signet ring cell morphology.

Case 139

54 yo F with metastatic breast cancer leptomeningeal disease suspected Ndk6 Carcinoma consistent with metastasis from patient's known high-grade breast cancer

Case 140

74-year-old man with lytic bone lesions Lt511 Plasma cell neoplasm

Case 141

48F with met pancreas cancer with ?LMD Ndk6 Metastatic adenocarcinoma

Case 142

76 yo F history of metastatic lung adenocarcinoma now presenting with new CNS involvement Ndk6 Metastatic adenocarcinoma