WSI21-139: Lymph Nodes
From MGH Learn Pathology
Request details
- Request type Study
- Subspecialty Cytology
- Set Cytology
- Topic Lymph Nodes
- Presenter Alcala, Michael Alberto D
- Date and time Error: Invalid time.
Toggle columns: Diagnosis
Case | Clinical history | Requester |
Case | Clinical history | Requester |
| 82F. Right neck lymphadenopathy. Level IV lymph node FNA. | Iac0 |
| 52M. Left inguinal lymph node FNA. | Iac0 |
| 74 y/old M with CLL and clinical suspicion for fungemia | Lcm51 |
| Lytic appearing osseous lesion and omental lesion (this sample) | Lcm51 |
| History of testicular mass. | Iac0 |
| 69 year old M with new lymphadenopathy. | Aja51 |
| 83 y/old F with superior mediastinum mass associated with cervical and thoracic lymphadenopathy | Aja51 |
| 77F. Cervical lymphadenopathy | Iac0 |
| 43yo M with supraclavicular lymphadenopathy | Mlz8 |
| 80 y/old M with multiple enlarged LNs on the upper chest and neck. | Lcm51 |
| 65 y/old M with sclerotic bone lesions • splenomegaly • IGA monoclonal spike • malaise and lymphadenopathy | Lcm51 |
| 77 YO female with an enlarged right neck lymph node | Ndk6 |
| 78 YO female with h/o grade 1 follicular lymphoma. Enlarged right inguinal lymph node. | Ndk6 |
| 78 YO female with h/o melanoma and new enlarged axillary lymph node | Ndk6 |
| 70 yo F with cardiac tamponade and retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. | Cfh13 |
| hx of Li-Fraumeni syndrome- IDC grade 3 • poorly differentiated adrenal cortical carcinoma • leiomyosarcoma now with enlarged lymph nodes including left axillary lymph node Imaging showed a rupture left breast implant | Est105 |
| 79 yo M with a history of DLBCL on treatment with new retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. | Cfh13 |
| 18 yo F with abdominal pain and a new pelvic nodule. | Cfh13 |
| 60 yo F with diffuse abdominal lymphadenopathy. | Cfh13 |
| 63 yo man with a prominent neck node and no known prior malignancies | Cfh13 |
| 61 yo woman with cervical lymphadenopathy | Cfh13 |
| 74 yo F with enlarging left superior mediastinal lymph node. History of breast and uterine ca. | Ndk6 |
| 29M • enlarged left axillary lymph node | Mlz8 |
| 73M • enlarged right axillary lymph node | Mlz8 |
| 76 yo F with enlarged supraclavicular lymph node | Ndk6 |
| 64 yo F | Ndk6 |
| 10 yo M with several months of cervical lymphadenopathy up to 3 cm. | Cfh13 |
| 25 yo female | Dc679 |
| 90 yo male with enlarged right cervical lymph node | Ndk6 |
| 76 yo f with h/o NSCLC and lymphoma with enlarging FDG avid R SCV LN | Ndk6 |
| 33M • mediastinal mass. Hilar lymphadenopathy. | Iac0 |
Showing 1 to 31 of 31 entries