WSI21-139: Lymph Nodes

From MGH Learn Pathology
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Request type Study
Subspecialty Cytology
Set Cytology
Topic Lymph Nodes
Presenter Alcala, Michael Alberto D
Date and time Error: Invalid time.

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

CaseClinical historyRequester
CaseClinical historyRequester

Case 1

82F. Right neck lymphadenopathy. Level IV lymph node FNA. Iac0

Case 2

52M. Left inguinal lymph node FNA. Iac0

Case 3

74 y/old M with CLL and clinical suspicion for fungemia Lcm51

Case 4

Lytic appearing osseous lesion and omental lesion (this sample) Lcm51

Case 5

History of testicular mass. Iac0

Case 6

69 year old M with new lymphadenopathy. Aja51

Case 7

83 y/old F with superior mediastinum mass associated with cervical and thoracic lymphadenopathy Aja51

Case 8

77F. Cervical lymphadenopathy Iac0

Case 9

43yo M with supraclavicular lymphadenopathy Mlz8

Case 10

80 y/old M with multiple enlarged LNs on the upper chest and neck. Lcm51

Case 11

65 y/old M with sclerotic bone lesions splenomegaly IGA monoclonal spike malaise and lymphadenopathy Lcm51

Case 12

77 YO female with an enlarged right neck lymph node Ndk6

Case 13

78 YO female with h/o grade 1 follicular lymphoma. Enlarged right inguinal lymph node. Ndk6

Case 14

78 YO female with h/o melanoma and new enlarged axillary lymph node Ndk6

Case 15

70 yo F with cardiac tamponade and retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Cfh13

Case 16

hx of Li-Fraumeni syndrome- IDC grade 3 poorly differentiated adrenal cortical carcinoma leiomyosarcoma now with enlarged lymph nodes including left axillary lymph node Imaging showed a rupture left breast implant Est105

Case 17

79 yo M with a history of DLBCL on treatment with new retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Cfh13

Case 18

18 yo F with abdominal pain and a new pelvic nodule. Cfh13

Case 19

60 yo F with diffuse abdominal lymphadenopathy. Cfh13

Case 20

63 yo man with a prominent neck node and no known prior malignancies Cfh13

Case 21

61 yo woman with cervical lymphadenopathy Cfh13

Case 22

74 yo F with enlarging left superior mediastinal lymph node. History of breast and uterine ca. Ndk6

Case 23

29M enlarged left axillary lymph node Mlz8

Case 24

73M enlarged right axillary lymph node Mlz8

Case 25

76 yo F with enlarged supraclavicular lymph node Ndk6

Case 26

64 yo F Ndk6

Case 27

10 yo M with several months of cervical lymphadenopathy up to 3 cm. Cfh13

Case 28

25 yo female Dc679

Case 29

90 yo male with enlarged right cervical lymph node Ndk6

Case 139

76 yo f with h/o NSCLC and lymphoma with enlarging FDG avid R SCV LN Ndk6

Case 140

33M mediastinal mass. Hilar lymphadenopathy. Iac0
Showing 1 to 31 of 31 entries