WSI21-128: Salivary Gland

From MGH Learn Pathology
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Request type Study
Subspecialty Cytology
Set Cytology
Topic Salivary Gland
Presenter MGH

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

CaseClinical historyRequester
CaseClinical historyRequester

Case 1

53M Em99

Case 2

40-year-old female. Left parotid mass. Iac0

Case 3

22yo M with 3.1cm left submandibular mass x 3 years Mlz8

Case 5

72yo F with right parotid mass Mlz8

Case 6

73-year-old female. Iac0

Case 7

38-year-old female. Left temporal/supra-auricular mass. Iac0

Case 8

49-year-old male. Parotid mass. Iac0

Case 9

59F. Left neck/mandible. History of ductal carcinoma of breast. Iac0

Case 10

60F. Parotid mass. Iac0

Case 11

69M. Parotid mass. Iac0

Case 12

59 y/old M right parotid mass stable for several years Lcm51

Case 13

62 year old female with 1.1 x 1.4 x 1.8 cm left parotid tail mass. Mc1192

Case 14

64 year old female with left parotid mass Pab16

Case 15

55 year old man with a 2 year history of a parotid mass. Cfh13

Case 16

58M left parotid mass Mlz8

Case 17

73M. History of squamous cell carcinoma of temple. Iac0

Case 18

45 yo F with a history of a resected salivary gland malignancy. Now presenting with a 10 cm pelvic mass. Cfh13

Case 19

32F hx of Sjogren. Parotid and submandibular sialadenitis. Iac0

Case 20

1.7 cm well circumscribed hypoechoic mass in the parotid Est105

Case 21

62 yo F with a 4 year history of a growing parotid mass Cfh13

Case 22

70 yo M smoker with a right parotid mass Est105

Case 23

79 yo M never smoker with a 1.2 cm parotid mass. Cfh13

Case 24

48 yo M with incidentally identified 2 cm parotid nodule. Cfh13

Case 25

75M. Parotid mass. Iac0

Case 26

70M. Parotid mass. Iac0

Case 27

62F. Left parotid mass. Iac0

Case 28

88 YO parotid mass Td693

Case 29

67-year-old woman with 2.3 cm lesion within superficial lobe of parotid gland Njc35

Case 30

58M. Parotid mass. Iac0

Case 31

79 yo female Dc679

Case 32

48 yo male Dc679

Case 33

48 yo male Dc679

Case 34

60 yo male Dc679

Case 139

69 yo f w/ history of carcinoma. S/p chemo and radiation with new cheek nodule. Ndk6

Case 140

70M. Left neck LN. History of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of hard palate. Iac0

Case 141

80M. Lesion of parotid gland. Iac0

Case 142

Secretary carcinoma Sxm

Case 143

79 year old female with history of Merkel cell carcinoma involving the left submandibular gland. Now with right submandibular lesion up to 2.0cm. Tz046
Showing 1 to 38 of 38 entries