From MGH Learn Pathology
Rotation overview
Clinical rotations
- Anatomic Pathology residents spend four weeks on the cytology service during AP1 (rotation-1), and six weeks during AP2 (rotation-2). Each week that you are on the cytology service, you will be assigned to work a faculty member who is on-service, and you will have an opportunity to review and diagnose current cytology cases. Additionally, there are structured learning modules for rotation-1 and rotation-2.
- Rotation 1 (4 weeks)
Rotation-1 curriculum is intended to be completed during four weeks of AP1.
- 1-1 Introduction to Cytology
- 1-2 Cytomorphology Basics
- 1-3 GYN Cytology Basics
- 1-3 GYN Cytomorphology- Squamous
- 1-3 GYN Cytomorphology- Glandular (Quiz for 1-3)
- 1-4 Body Cavity Fluids
- 1-5 Cerebrospinal Fluid
- 1-6 Urine Cytology
- 1-7 Respiratory Cytology
- 1-8 Thyroid and Parathyroid Cytology
- 1-9 Salivary Gland and Head/Neck Cytology
- 1-10 Liver Cytology
- 1-11 Pancreas Cytology
- 1-12 Kidney Cytology
- 1-13 Adrenal Gland Cytology
- 1-14 Breast Cytology
- 1-15 Basic Lymph Node Cytology
- 1-16 Bone/Soft Tissue Cytology
- 1-17 Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Service
- Rotation 2 (2 weeks)
Rotation-2 curriculum is advanced, and intended to be completed during two weeks of AP-2.