WSI21-141: Bone and Soft Tissue

From MGH Learn Pathology
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Request type Study
Subspecialty Cytology
Set Cytology
Topic Bone and Soft Tissue
Presenter MGH

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

56-year-old male neck mass. Iac0 Schwannoma

Case 2

68yo female with right foot pain/swelling around 2nd metatarsal x 2 months Mlz8 Gout tophus (collections of monosodium urate crystals and foreign body giant cells)

Case 3

70yo male with sacral mass Mlz8 Chordoma

Case 4

19 year-old-male. Pubic bone mass. Renal mass. Family history of cutaneous leiomyomas. Iac0 Metastatic papillary renal cell carcinoma type 2. Likely hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer syndrome.

Case 5

51F. Left masticator space. Iac0 Tenosynovial giant cell tumor.

Case 6

31 F. Hx of rhabdomyosarcoma. Mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Iac0 Metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma.

Case 7

78 y/old M with prior excised tumor in the head/ear Aja51 Melanoma with spindle cell morphology.

Case 8

74-year-old female with an ill-defined 6.7cm mass in the gastrosplenic ligament Sj82 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)

Case 9

77 year old woman with a scalp nodule and a history of a sacral mass. Cfh13 Metastatic chondrosarcoma conventional type.

Case 10

50F. History of leiomyosarcoma. Iac0 Metastatic leiomyosarcoma.

Case 11

52 yo male with a 2 week history of jaw mass with fevers night sweats and possible weight loss. 0.4 cm firm fixed mass. Ndk6 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Case 12

86 yo female with a history of squamous cell carcinoma of right calf. Now presents with a large mass in the inner upper thigh/groin which has a necrotic center. Ndk6 Squamous cell carcinoma

Case 13

27F. Hx of Ewing sarcoma Iac0 Metastatic Ewing sarcoma.

Case 14

31M with mediastinal mass Mlz8 Ganglioneuroma

Case 15

41 YO female with h/o undifferentiated carcinoma and new pelvic soft tissue mass Ndk6 Undifferentiated pleomorphic malignant neoplasm

Case 16

43M. Multiple lung nodules consistent with metastasis. No known primary. Iac0 Metastatic extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma with EWSR1::NR4A3.

Case 17

50F. Left pelvis. Parathyroid adenoma Iac0 Giant cell rich lesion. In correlation with clinical history consistent with Brown tumor.

Case 18

46F. Left elbow mass. Iac0 Tenosynovial giant cell tumor (giant cell tumor of tendon sheath)

Case 19

77M. Lung mass. History of solitary fibrous tumor. Iac0 Metastatic solitary fibrous tumor.

Case 20

3M. Paraspinal mass. Iac0 Neuroblastoma

Case 21

49F. Right cheek mass. Iac0 Foreign body giant cell reaction to mucoid material most consistent with dermal fillers.

Case 22

63F. Left hilar lung mass. Iac0 Cytology dx: Epithelioid neoplasm with myxoid matrix. EWSR1 FISH and fusion assay on cell block were negative for reportable fusions. Resection dx: SMARCB1-deficient neoplasm most consistent with malignant myoepithelioma.

Case 23

84 YO male with peri-stomal mass Ndk6 Chondrosarcoma

Case 24

43 YO male with enlarged lymph node and neck mass Ndk6 Metastatic chordoma conventional type

Case 25

43M. History of chordoma. Iac0 Metastatic chordoma.

Case 26

74F. Pleural biopsy. Iac0 Solitary fibrous tumor.

Case 27

50M. Chest wall mass. Iac0 Low-grade leiomyosarcoma.

Case 28

36 year old male. Cheek. Iac0 Granular cell tumor.

Case 29

53 yo F with incidental 8.8 cm fluid-attenuating lesion arising from the aponeurosis of the external abdominal oblique muscle. Dark brown cyst contents on aspiration. Remainder of history unremarkable. Dl292 Clear cell carcinoma likely arising in background endometriosis

Case 30

72M. Lung squamous cell carcinoma. Now with right temporalis muscle mass. On imaging the tumor involving the right pterional calvarium and pachymeninges. Iac0 Meningioma.

Case 31

53M. History of atypical ossifying fibromxyoid tumor of chest wall. Iac0 Metastatic malignant ossifying fibromyxoid tumor.

Case 32

71M. Chest wall mass. Iac0 High-grade sarcoma consistent with dedifferentiated liposarcoma (MDM2 amplification confirmed on surgical pathology).

Case 33

25 yo M with h/o metastatic alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (PAX3::FOXO1 fusion) to prostate and retroperitoneal lymph nodes. Now presents with a 2.1 cm subcutaneous mass on left chest. Tz046 Metastatic alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma.

Case 34

52M. 4.5 cm R TMJ mass. Iac0 Tenosynovial giant cell tumor.

Case 35

40M. Hx of myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma of left arm. Now with mass proximal to prior resection. Iac0 Recurrent myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma.

Case 36

84-year-old man with right neck cystic nodule Lt511 organizing abscess with numerous multinucleated giant cells

Case 37

83F. Cheek mass. Iac0 Merkel cell carcinoma.

Case 38

27F. History of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Bone marrow biopsy. Iac0 Metastatic alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma.