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Latest revision as of 13:00, April 13, 2023

Request type Study
Subspecialty Genitourinary
Set Genitourinary
Topic Prostate
Presenter Sadow, Peter M.,MD, PhD
Date and time Saturday, April 1, 2023 12:00 PM

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

84 year old male with bladder outlet obstruction TURP Si787 High grade prosttic adenocrcinoma gleason score 5 of 5 with neuroendocrine differentiation

Case 2

71 year old male with history of prostate cancer s/p prostatectomy and radiation in 2010 now with S2 spinal lesion Si787 Metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma

Case 3

61 year old with prostate cancer Si787 Adenocarcinoma gleason score 3+3=6/10 bilateral perineural invasion neg margins neg SV and vas def

Case 4

86 year old male with hard nodular prostate and PSA 175 Si787 Prostatic adenocarcinoma gleason score 5+4=9/10 involving >90% each of 2/2 cores. + PNI tumor invades skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. Sheet-like growth & foamy cell and signet ring-like changes

Case 5

62 year old man with radical prostatectomy revealing 3+3=6/10 cancer. Here is a separate finding. Si787 Senile amyloid of bilateral seminal vesicles

Case 6

58 year old male with elevated PSA. Si787 Prostatic adenocarcinoma 3+4=7/10 with mucinous differentiation +PNI

Case 7

65 year old male with ↑ PSA with negative biopsy in 2011 now for TURP 2° to urinary retention symptoms PSA in 2011 5 ng/mL; post biopsy 10 ng/ml Si787 Prostatic adenocarcinoma gleason score 4+5=9/10 with perineural invasion infiltrating skeletal muscle

Case 8

60 year old male with prostate cancer Si787 A. Grade 5 prostate carcinoma with PNI in bladder neck. B. 5+4 with EPE PN1 LVI

Case 9

80 year old male with history of BPH s/p TURP 2008; 2009 with palp nodule on right lateral prostate Si787 Prostate adenocarcinoma 4+4 with focal ductal-type features

Case 10

57 year old man with urinary outlet obstruction and mildly elevated PSA 4.88 (11/08) over prior 3.69 (5/08) Si787 Adenocarcinoma ductal type gleason score 4+4=8/10.

Case 11

76 year old male with elevated PSA. Si787 A. Adenocarcinoma 4+4 ? Seminal vesicle. B. Adenocarcinoma 4+5 with fat infiltration.

Case 12

89 year old male with h/o prostate cancer in 1998 (11 yr) on active surveilance with increasing PSA and subsequent papillary TCC non-invasive. He now has outlet obstruction. TURP. Si787 Poorly differentiated TCC grade 3 of 3. +CK7 +p63. PSA & PSAP+ in uninvolved prostate

Case 13

71 year old male with prostate cancer 3+3=6/10 on core biopsy. Emw8 Prostatic adenocarcinoma Gleason score 4+3=7/10 bilateral with bilateral seminal vesicle involvement extraprostatic extension and lymphovascular invasion.

Case 14

66 year old male with elevated PSA and core biopsies. Emw8 Prostatic adenocarcinoma 3+3=6/10 involving 20% of right-sided cores (B). A&C negative by immunostain (outside called PIN not here).