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From MGH Learn Pathology
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|authoredOn=Jul 11, 2023 16:46:19
|authoredOn=Jul 11, 2023 16:46:19
|authoredOn=Jul 13, 2023 12:38:18
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|authoredOn=Jul 13, 2023 13:14:27

Latest revision as of 08:14, July 13, 2023

Request type Study
Subspecialty Cytology
Set Cytology
Topic Breast
Presenter MGH

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

68-year-old female. 2-cm breast mass. Iac0 Ductal carcinoma with mucinous features.

Case 2

19F palpable firm ovoid 2.0 x 1.5 cm mobile nodule in left breast at 3:00 at 3 cm from the areola. No imaging performed. Ai293 Fibroadenoma.

- Complex branching groups of proliferative appearing ductal epithelial cells with associated myoepithelial cells. - Abundant naked stromal nuclei in background.

- Few fragments of more or less dense fibrous stroma rarely delicate specialized stroma.

Case 3

52 YO female with right breast mass Ndk6 Adenocarcinoma

Case 4

41 YO female with breast mass and suspicious mammogram Ndk6 Ductal carcinoma with papillary and high grade nuclear features

Case 5

41 YO female with breast mass Ndk6 Negative for malignancy- consistent with fibroadenoma

Case 6

71 YO female s/p excision and XRT for DCIS. Now presenting with hard ill-defined nodule in tail of breast. Ndk6 Ductal carcinoma

Case 7

60 YO female s/p mastectomy with nodule in right lateral breast flap Ndk6 Negative for malignancy- abundant debris fibroadipose tissue and numerous macrophages including multinucleate forms c/w fat necrosis

Case 8

48 YO female with self discovered mass at 11:00 left breast measuring 3 cm Ndk6 Ductal carcinoma

Case 9

33 YO female with suspicious left breast mass Ndk6 High grade ductal carcinoma with extensive necrosis

Case 10

49 YO female with solid breast lump Ndk6 Adenocarcinoma high grade with calcifications

Case 11

74 years old woman with 10 mm cyst in the left breast Lt511 Apocrine cyst

Case 12

73 yo f s/p breast cancer. New multiple red raised papules left breast 0.4 - 0.8 cm. Ndk6 Malignant neoplasm suggestive of angiosarcoma. Note: Immunostains for CD31 CD34 factor VIII FLI-1. AE1.3 / CAM5.2 high molecular weight keratin and D240 were examined; the findings support the above diagnosis.

Case 13

82 yo f w/ hard 4 cm mass Ndk6 Ductal Carcinoma with abundant mucin production

Case 14

67 yo f w/ solid breast lesion Ndk6 Medullary Carcinoma Large anaplastic cells with giant nucleoli numerous stripped malignant nuclei scattered lymphocytes and necrosis

Case 15

68 yo m w/ breast mass Ndk6 Ductal Carcinoma

Case 16

59 yo f w/ history of melanoma Ndk6 Consistent with metastatic melanoma

Case 17

25 yo f w/ unchanged breast nodule for years Ndk6 Fibroadenoma

Case 18

88 yo f w/ a 4.3 cm breast mass Ndk6 Poorly differentiated carcinoma Resection diagnosis: Metaplastic carcinoma invasive grade 3/3 with <50% ductal differentiation and 95% non-specific mesenchymal differentiation (polygonal round and spindle cells)

Case 139

48 yo F w/ seroma. R/o ALCL. Ndk6 Negative for malignancy- proteinaceous debris with small amount of admixed blood

Case 140

46 yo F w/ breast cyst Ndk6 No malignant cells identified- Abundant foamy histiocytes consistent with cyst contents