
From MGH Learn Pathology

Week 1 - GYN: Small


  1. Learn normal histology of the female genital tract organs ( LINK TO Histology for Pathologists-stenberg -gyn chapter ).
  2. Be able to distinguish between endometrial and endocervical tissues.
  3. Be acquainted with basic morphology of endometrium (proliferative, secretory, menstrual, inactive, atrophic).
  4. Become familiar with classification of cervical and vulvar/vaginal precursor lesions.
  5. Recognize metaplastic changes and basic features of endometrial polyps.
  6. Recognize typical features of endometriosis.
    Suggested reading
    1. AAP 2007 The pathology of Endometriosis A Survey of the many faces of a common disease

Week 1 - GYN: Large


  1. Learn normal anatomy and gross appearance of genital tract organs.
  2. Read gross manual and know basics of sectioning for diagnostic and staging purposes (GYN Technical Grossing Manual).
  3. Learn basic approach to logical and succinct gross dictation (Sample Gross Dictations).
  4. Become familiar with basic classification of major forms of genital tract neoplasia, particularly smooth muscle tumors of uterus and endometrial and ovarian carcinoma.
  5. Learn the essence of synoptic reports (Synoptic Reporting FAQs)
    Suggested reading
    1. FIGO staging system