WSI24-85: Secretory carcinoma

From MGH Learn Pathology

Request type Study
Subspecialty Head and Neck
Set Secretory carcinoma
Topic Secretory carcinoma
Presenter Faquin, William C.,MD, PhD
Date and time Thursday, April 11, 2024 9:28 AM

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

70 year old female with skin/parotid tumor. Emw8 Secretory carcinoma.

Case 2

32 year old male with submandibular mass. Emw8 Suspicious secretory carcinoma.

Case 3

36 year old male with upper lip mass. Emw8 Secretory carcinoma

Case 4

50 year old female with right ear cyst. Emw8 Secretory carcinoma.

Case 5

58 year old male with parotid gland nodules. Emw8 SUMP c/w oncocytoma

Case 6

56 year old male with 2.1 cm tumor involving skin and parotid. Emw8 Oncocytic MEC

Case 7

56 year old female with 4 cm parotid mass. Emw8 Oncocytic papillary cystadenoma

Case 8

51 year old female with prior Hodgkin's and radiation. TX → Parotid mass. Emw8 Primary squamous cell carcinoma of parotid.