WSI24-160: Oral Cavity

From MGH Learn Pathology

Request type Study
Subspecialty Head and Neck
Set Head and Neck
Topic Oral Cavity
Presenter Faquin, William C.,MD, PhD
Date and time Monday, August 12, 2024 11:14 AM

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

56 year old male with tonsillar mass and enlarged lymph node. Emw8 HPV+ SCC

Case 2

69 year old male with tongue lesion. Posterior-midline. Emw8 Hairy tongue.

Case 3

69 year old male with anterior mandible radiolucent cyst. Emw8 c/w glandular odontogenic cyst.

Case 4

55 year old female with right tonsil lesion and enlarged neck LN. Emw8 Focal (0.3 cm) HPV+ SCC.

Case 5

39 year old male with P16+ tonsillar mass (2.0 cm). Emw8 Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma.

Case 6

75 year old female with tongue lesion. Emw8 c/w adenosquamous carcinoma.

Case 7

80 year old male with oral cavity SCC and neck LN. Emw8 Metastatic SCC.

Case 8

52 year old male with tonsillar mass. Emw8 Reactive atypia and Paracoccidiodes.