WSI23-170: Benign Proliferative Reactions

From MGH Learn Pathology

Request type Study
Subspecialty Cytology
Set WSI:Paps
Topic Benign Proliferative Reactions
Presenter Madrigal, Emilio,DO
Date and time Saturday, April 11, 2020 11:58 PM

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

CaseClinical historyRequester
CaseClinical historyRequester

Case 2

67 Em99

Case 3

55 histiocytes Em99

Case 4

35 birth control pills Em99

Case 5

32 Em99

Case 6

55 Em99

Case 7

63 Em99

Case 8

71 Em99

Case 9

21 Em99

Case 10

61 many histiocytes Em99

Case 11

36 pregnant Em99

Case 12

80 Em99

Case 13

25 Em99

Case 14

64 Em99

Case 15

73 hysterectomy hormones Em99

Case 16


Case 18

65 hormones Em99

Case 19

30 trichomonas also Em99

Case 20

55 Em99

Case 21

51 Em99

Case 22

28 Em99

Case 23

58 Em99

Case 24

43 Em99

Case 25

91 PMP Em99

Case 26

53 trichomonas also Em99

Case 27

39 Em99

Case 28

54 Em99

Case 29

32 Em99

Case 30

72 Em99

Case 32

59 Em99

Case 33

72 Em99

Case 34

75 hysterectomy Em99

Case 35

72 Em99

Case 36

63 Em99

Case 46

69 Em99

Case 47

37 Em99

Case 48

49 Em99

Case 49

46 Em99

Case 50

62 Em99

Case 51

55 Em99

Case 52

51 Em99

Case 53

77 Em99

Case 54

45 Em99

Case 55


Case 56


Case 57

60 hysterectomy hormones Em99

Case 58

46 Em99

Case 59

47 Em99

Case 60

56 hysterectomy hormones Em99

Case 61

40 Em99

Case 62

56 Em99
Showing 1 to 50 of 59 entries