WSI22-93: Gynecologic didactic - Monday, July 25, 2022

From MGH Learn Pathology

Request type AP didactic (PGY2+) - BWH
Subspecialty Gynecologic
Topic Lower genital tract (Cervix)
Presenter Parra-Herran, Carlos E.,MD
Date and time Monday, July 25, 2022 12:00 PM

Case Clinical history Requester
Case Clinical history Requester

Case 1

48 y/o with abnormal vaginal bleeding and cervical lesion on colposcopy. Cep32

Case 2

45 y/o with abnormal vaginal bleeding and cervical mass on exam. Cep32

Case 3

48 y/o with atypical glandular cells on recent pap smear. Positive HR-HPV. Referral diagnosis of endocervical adenocarcinoma in situ. Cep32

Case 4

52 y/o with watery vaginal discharge and previous biopsy with diagnosis of "endocervical adenocarcinoma in-situ". Hysterectomy performed. Cervix submitted entirely. A sessile endometrial polyp is also noted. Cep32

Case 5

47 y/o with atypical glandular cells on pap smear. Cep32

Case 6

61 y/o with constitutional symptoms and postmenopausal bleeding. Cervix was found to be firm and enlarged on clinical examination. Cep32

Case 7

58 y/o with post-menopausal bleeding. Cep32

Case 8

43 y/o with pelvic pain and abnormal bleeding. MRI shows enlarged right uterine wall. Cep32

Case 9

49 y/o with post-menopausal bleeding and endometrial polyps on pelvic ultrasound. Polypectomy received. Cep32

Case 10

49 y/o with no previous known history presents with vaginal bleeding and a biopsy diagnosis of endometrial endometrioid carcinoma. Hysterectomy received. Cep32

Case 11

39 y/o with chronic pelvic pain and irregular bleeding refractory to medical treatment. Hysterectomy received. Cep32

Case 12

46 y/o with history of cervical HSIL status post LEEP with negative margins. Now presents with endometrial cells in pap smear. Cep32

Case 13

26 y/o with history of ASCUS pap HPV +. LEEP received. Cep32

Case 14

35 y/o with post-coital bleeding and fungating cervical mass on exam. Cep32

Case 15

62 y/o with post-menopausal bleeding and cervical mass on exam. Cep32

Case 16

64 y/o with post-menopausal bleeding and large cervical "fibroid". Cep32

Case 17

66 y/o with post-menopausal bleeding. Cep32

Case 18

31 y/o patient with recent diagnosis of HSIL on pap biopsy and LEEP with positive margins. Hysterectomy received. Cep32

Case 19

29 y/o with post-coital bleeding and small cervical polyp identified on exam. Cep32

Case 20

42 y/o with vaginal discharge and atypical cells on pap smear. Cone received. Cep32