WSI21-176: Vulva

From MGH Learn Pathology

Request type Cme
Subspecialty Gynecologic
Set CCSP 2021
Topic Vulva
Presenter Watkins, Jaclyn C.,MD, MS

Case Clinical history Requester
Case Clinical history Requester

Case 1

63 F Vulvar lesion null

Case 2

73 F excision for vulvar squamous cell carcinoma null

Case 3

53 F clinical history of vulvar condyloma null

Case 4

71 F chronic intermittent vulvar irritation with fissure null

Case 5

49 F vulva with diffuse erythematous appearance grossly null

Case 6

73 F chronic vulvar itching with white labial lesions not completely responding to steroids null

Case 7

76 F history of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia null

Case 8

86 F resection for vulvar squamous cell carcinoma null