DZI19-17: Metabolic Diseases of the Skin

From MGH Learn Pathology

Request type Study
Subspecialty Dermatopathology
Set RMN Dermpath Teaching Set
Topic Metabolic Diseases of the Skin
Presenter Nazarian, Rosalynn M.,MD

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

None provided Em99 Focal dermal mucinosis

Case 2

None provided Em99 Calcinosis cutis

Case 3

None provided Em99 Gout

Case 4

None provided Em99 Gout (another example)

Case 5

None provided Em99 Lichen amyloid

Case 6

None provided Em99 Macular amyloid

Case 7

None provided Em99 Macular amyloid (another example)

Case 8

None provided Em99 Pretibial myxedema