DZI19-137: Dr. Shih GI Pathology Slide Session

From MGH Learn Pathology

Request type Cme
Subspecialty Gastrointestinal
Set CCSP 2019
Topic Dr. Shih GI Pathology Slide Session
Presenter Shih, Angela R.,MD

Case Clinical history Requester
Case Clinical history Requester

Case 1

66yo woman with autoimmune hepatitis (on immunosuppression) with elevated alkaline phosphatase. ALT 26; AST 52; AlkP 257. AMA negative. ASMA positive 1:160. Em99

Case 2

76yo woman with h/o sarcomatoid carcinoma of the lung s/p radiation therapy now on systemic therapy. ALT 442; AST 329; AlkP 133. Az375

Case 3

69yo woman with portal hypertension. Az375

Case 4

56yo man with HCV s/p liver transplant and HCV treatment presents 5 months later with graft dysfunction. ALT 59; AST 50; AlkP 176. Az375

Case 5

39yo woman with autoimmune hepatitis s/p liver transplant complicated by increased LFTs. Az375