WSI21-131: Cervical and Vaginal Cytology

From MGH Learn Pathology
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Request type Study
Subspecialty Cytology
Set Cytology
Topic Cervical and Vaginal Cytology
Presenter MGH

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

CaseClinical historyRequester
CaseClinical historyRequester

Case 1

29-year-old female. Presenting to clinic for removal of copper IUD. Iac0

Case 2

71yo F with postmenopausal bleeding Mlz8

Case 3

59yo female with multiple myeloma s/p chemotherapy and BMT annual pap smear Mlz8

Case 4

32yo F screening pap Mlz8

Case 5

73yo F with postmenopausal bleeding Mlz8

Case 6

73yo female with postmenopausal bleeding Mlz8

Case 7

36yo female h/o HSIL HPV16+ Mlz8

Case 8

71yo female with history of metastatic colon cancer Mlz8

Case 9

73F. Post menopausal bleeding Iac0

Case 10

62y/old F with post menstrual bleeding and a lobulated fundic mass. Aja51

Case 11

45 year-old female with an IUD. Negative for HPV Cfh13

Case 12

21 year-old female with an IUD and no significant GYN history Cfh13

Case 13

50 year-old postmenopausal female with a cervical mass and a history of multiple myeloma. Cfh13

Case 14

44F. Iac0

Case 15

66 yo female with postmenopausal bleeding Ndk6

Case 16

40 year old woman. Routine screening pap. HPV +18. Cfh13

Case 17

79F. History of cervical cancer post chemoradiation. Iac0

Case 18

25 yo woman. First screening pap. Cfh13

Case 19

55yo post-menopausal with history of plasma cell myeloma. New expanding cervical/adnexal mass. Pelvic exam reveals a cervix replaced by a large mass mostly submucosal with some central cervical invasion. Ultrasound reveals a left parametria extension of mass measuring 6 cm. Lr295

Case 20

32 yo F at screening visit with no prior abnormal pap smears. Cfh13

Case 21

57 yo F status post TAH for endometrioid adenocarcinoma. Concurrent biopsy taken. Cfh13

Case 22

44 year old - Pap 2021 ASCUS/+HPV 16 with negative colpo now +HPV16 Est105

Case 23

26 yo F with an IUD and a history of LSIL and high-risk HPV. Cfh13

Case 24

52 yo F with all prior pap negative and HPV negative. Tz046

Case 25

60 year old woman with postmenopausal bleeding Mk213

Case 26

hx LSIL Est105

Case 27

34 yo F. All prior paps negative. HPV 16 and 45 positive. Cfh13

Case 28

67 yo F presenting for routine pap screening. Cfh13

Case 29

36 yo F with IUD on routine screening Cfh13

Case 30

32 yo F with a prior AGUS pap Cfh13

Case 31

28 yo F with intermenstrual bleeding Cfh13

Case 32

30 YO routine pap Td693

Case 33

69F. Pap smear. Iac0

Case 34

60F. Post menopausal. Iac0

Case 35

55F. History of colorectal adenocarcinoma. Iac0

Case 36

49F Mlz8

Case 37

29 yo F Ndk6

Case 38

34F Mlz8

Case 39

68F Mlz8

Case 40

35 year old woman with history of squamous intraepithelial lesion Njc35

Case 41

24F pregnant Mlz8

Case 42

52 YO Ndk6

Case 43

26 YO history of ASCUS HPV neg Ndk6

Case 44

39 YO with history of dysplasia Ndk6

Case 45

53 YO postmenopausal Ndk6

Case 46

53 yo F with history of TAH Ndk6

Case 47

47 yo F Ndk6

Case 48

31 yo F. Screening pap smear. Cfh13

Case 49

post Menopausal. ASH-H Sxm

Case 50

AIN2 s/p HYF 12/2022 Sxm
Showing 1 to 50 of 89 entries