WSI21-144: Pediatric Dermatopathology
From MGH Learn Pathology
Request details
- Request type Study
- Subspecialty Dermatopathology
- Set MAI Derm Path Study Set
- Topic Pediatric Dermatopathology
- Presenter Hoang, Mai P.,MD
Toggle columns: Diagnosis
Case | Clinical history | Requester | Diagnosis |
Case | Clinical history | Requester | Diagnosis |
| A four year-old male presented with a growing mass on the hand Mandolin S. Ziadie and Mai P. Hoang | null | Infantile digital fibromatosis |
| A 2-year-old boy presented with brownish atrophic plaques on his face • arms • trunk and legs Alice Z. C. Lobo and Mai P. Hoang | null | Morphea |
| A one-month-old male infant presented with a pedunculated lesion on the ulnar aspect of his left proximal fifth digit Jason F. Solus and Rosalynn M. Nazarian | null | Supranumerary digit |
| A nine-year old girl presented to the dermatologist with numerous (20 to 30) flesh-colored shiny papules on her nose • superior cheeks • and forehead Mark C. Mochel and Mai P. Hoang | null | Multiple familial trichoepitheliomas syndrome |
| A 9 year old female presented with a pruritic red blistering rash Katy R. Linskey and Mai P. Hoang | null | Linear IgA disease of childhood |
| A six-week old white female presented with a linear array of small vesicles and verrucous lesions on the right and left legs • groin • and left arm Amanda Hernandez • Mandolin S. Ziadie and Mai P. Hoang | null | Incontinentia pigmenti |
| A male infant was born with a 3 mm firm red-brown nodule on the left abdomen Kelly West • M. Angelica Selim and Mai P. Hoang | null | Congenital self-healing reticulohistiocytosis |
| A 20 month-old female presented with four major cutaneous hemangiomas located on the scalp • right thigh • mid-epigastrium and posterior neck Travis Rice-Stitt and Mai P. Hoang | null | Infantile hemangioma |
| A newborn male presented at birth with well-demarcated absence of skin on his bilateral ankles and dorsal right foot Andrea Primiani and Rosalynn M. Nazarian | null | Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa |
| A sixteen-year old female presented with several week history of sudden eruption of multiple papular lesions on her face Gabrielle M. Baker and Mai P. Hoang | null | Follicular mucinosis |
| A 16-year-old female presented with a 5-month history of multiple firm • painful • non-ulcerated subcutaneous nodules on her upper extremities and trunk Elizabeth D. Chao • Joi B. Carter and Lyn M. Duncan | null | Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma |
| Twenty three-month-old boy with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1) presented with a lump on his central chest Cecilia Lezcano • G. Petur Nielsen • Martin C. Mihm Jr. and Mai P. Hoang | null | Fibrous hamartoma of infancy |
| A four year-old male presented with a six to eight-month history of a scalp lesion John C. Selby and Vincent Liu | null | Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia |
| A ten-year-old boy presented with an asymptomatic lesion on the foot Sara Shalin and George F. Murphy | null | Acral Spitz nevus |
| A 2.5 month-old female was urgently referred to the dermatology department for a progressive rash Stefan Kraft and Ellen K. Roh | null | Neonatal lupus erythematosus |
| A 13-year-old boy presented for a scalp lesion with a clinical diagnosis of “sebaceous cyst” Christine G. Lian and George F. Murphy | null | Dysplastic nevus with halo-like immune response |
| An 11 year-old boy presented with a 0.7 cm firm • flesh-colored nodule on his left shoulder of unknown duration Julie Y. Tse • Martin C. Mihm Jr. and Adriano Piris | null | Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans |
| A 14 year-old girl was seen in consultation for a rash that had been present for six years Devon Gimbel • Ellen K. Roh and Mai P. Hoang | null | Pityriasis rubra pilaris |
| A 10 year-old girl with history of chronic infection of bilateral ear pits Christine G. Lian and Lyn M. Duncan | null | Preauricular cyst |
| A full-term male infant found to be in severe respiratory distress and with generalized and multiple non-blanching • blue-red cutaneous nodules Kirsten S. W. Bellucci | null | Congenital leukemia cutis |
| A Caucasian male was born with a collodion membrane Robert G. Egbers • Rajiv M. Patel and May P. Chan | null | Lamellar ichthyosis |
| A 2-month old female infant presented with large and violaceous plaque on her abdomen Barrett J. Zlotoff and Beverly Faulkner-Jones | null | Kasabach-Merritt syndrome in kaposiform hemangioendothelioma |
| A 4-year old female presented with short and “non-growing” hair Ashley Ward and Steven R. Tahan | null | Loose anagen hair syndrome |
| A 4-month old male infant presnted with generalized • coalescing reddish brown macules • papules and plaques Christine G. Lian and Steven R. Tahan | null | Urticaria pigmentosa |
| A 5-year old male presented with innumerable discrete red-brownish papules on trunk and extremities Ashley Ward and Steven R. Tahan | null | Generalized eruptive histiocytosis |