DZI20-204: NDA GU

From MGH Learn Pathology
Revision as of 13:48, March 9, 2022 by Si787 (talk | contribs) (Automatic edit to upgrade to new templates)

Request type Study
Subspecialty Genitourinary
Set Frozen Conference
Topic NDA GU
Presenter Ns495 (user needs to log in to Learn Pathology)

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

63 yo M with a 1.8 cm paratesticular mass Mjf79 benign epithelioid proliferation permanent: adenomatoid tumor

Case 2

26 yo M with a 1.7 cm testicular mass RS mass and smear Mjf79 germ cell tumor with features c/w embryonal carcinoma permanent: embryonal carcinoma

Case 3

52 yo M with a 1.9 cm solid and cystic testicular mass. Two RS mass frozen. Mjf79 teratoma permanent: malignant mixed GCT: 99% teratoma 1% intertubular seminoma

Case 4

70 yo M with a 5 cm testicular mass Mjf79 atypical lymphoid infiltrate permanent: DLBCL

Case 5

44 yo M with a 1.1 cm tan0-white solid testicular mass Mjf79 1.0 cm testicular tumor query sex-cord stromal Permanent: Sertoli cell tumor

Case 6

56 yo M with a 1.5 cm tan orange-brown solid testicular mass Mjf79 Leydig cell tumor permanent: Leydig cell tumor

Case 7

53 yo F with 2.9 cm kidney mass Mjf79 epithelial neoplasm favor chromophobe. Margin negative Permanent: Chromophobe RCC confined to kidney

Case 8

77 yo F with a 2.0 cm kidney mass Mjf79 oncocytoma

Case 9

52 yo M with a 2.9 cm kidney mass Mjf79 clear cell RCC margin neg

Case 10

36 yo F with a 4.6 cm kidney mass Mjf79 leiomyoma

Case 11

64 yo F with a 1.2 cm kidney mass Mjf79 angioleiomyoma extending to inked marign

Case 12

65 yo M with a 2.5 cm kidney mass Mjf79 papillary renal cell carcinoma type I