DZI19-101: OHSU

From MGH Learn Pathology
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Request type Faculty
Subspecialty Breast
Topic OHSU
Presenter Tlr28 (user needs to log in to Learn Pathology)

Case Clinical history Requester
Case Clinical history Requester

Case 1

Breast biopsy for architectural distortion. Please compare and contrast the circled epithelial proliferations (cell size polarity monotony). How would each stain for Keratin 5/6 and ER? Tlr28

Case 2

Breast tissue adjacent to a low-grade IDC. Classify the circled proliferation and describe the spectrum of cytologic features. (bonus: what is going on with that mucin near the single black line?) Tlr28

Case 3

Identify the anatomic structure and classify/describe the epithelial proliferation. Tlr28

Case 4

Identify the anatomic structure and underlying process. Describe the cellular proliferation. Final diagnosis? Tlr28

Case 5

Section from a 10 cm palpable breast mass. Super busy slide -- what histologic features differentiate true invasive carcinoma from mimics such as biopsy tract displacement and radial scars? Tlr28

Case 6

35-y/o with 4cm breast mass. Describe the tissue. Is it concordant? Tlr28

Case 7

70-y/o-female with a small mass. Tlr28

Case 8

50-y/o-female with new left breast calcifications. History of grade 1 DCIS. Tlr28

Case 9

Describe the proliferation. Final diagnosis? Tlr28