WSI21-82: Head and Neck outs - Friday, August 20, 2021

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Request type Outs
Subspecialty Head and Neck
Topic 2021/08/20
Presenter Faquin, William C.,MD, PhD
Date and time Friday, August 20, 2021 12:00 AM

Case Clinical history Requester
Case Clinical history Requester

Case 1

70 year old male with 1.5 cm parotid mass. What is your ddx and what IHC would you do to resolve the ddx? Emw8

Case 2

77 year old male with 1.2 cm parotid mass. What is your dx? How would you grade this? Emw8

Case 3

36 year old male with upper lip nodule. What is your ddx? What IHC would be useful? Emw8

Case 4

72 year old female with prior parotid gland cancer. Now with lung mass - probable metastasis. What is the probable parotid primary? What IHC would be useful? Emw8