DZI20-199: VDE GI

From MGH Learn Pathology
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Request type Study
Subspecialty Gastrointestinal
Set Frozen Conference
Topic VDE GI
Presenter Vd019 (user needs to log in to Learn Pathology)

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

Whipple - pancreatic transection margin. Mjf79 Small neuroendocrine tumorlet (<0.5 cm) at margin. Discussed with surgeon. (not present on permanents)

Case 2


FX1: Duodenal peritoneal nodule (1st slide) FX3: Cyst wall (2nd slide)

FX3A: Mass to uncinate margin (3rd slide)
Mjf79 FX1: Fibroadipose tissue with hyalinization no carcinoma seen. (permanent same)

FX3 (cyst wall): Fibrotic cyst wall with chronic inflammation negative for carcinoma. (Psuedocyst)

FX3A (mass to uncinate margin): High-grade carcinoma uncinate margin negative but comes to within 0.2 cm. (Recurrent undifferentiated carcinoma with osteoclastic giant cells uncinate ngative)

Case 3

Pancreatic mass - whipple

FX1: pancreas transection margin FX2: Bile duct margin

FX3: Bile duct margin
Mjf79 FX1 (pancreas transection margin): TINEM

FX2: (bile duct margin): single highly atypical gland. Discussed with surgeon (permanent: eroded bile duct with rare atypical glands. The atypical glands are best seen on frozen section).

FX3 (bile duct margin): TINEM

Case 4

Pancreas tumor - whipple

FX1: pancreatic transection margin

FX1A: mass
Mjf79 FX1 (pancreatic transection margin): TINEM FX2 (mass): neuroendocrine tumor (permanent: neuroendocrine neoplasm low grade (G1)

Case 5

pancreas mass - middle segment resection

FX2: Distal margin (radial)

FX2A: Tumor
Mjf79 FX2 (distal margin): Margin negative for high-grade dysplasia and malignancy. FX2A (tumor): At least intermediate grade dysplasia negative for carcinoma (permanent: IPMN with high-grade dysplasia branch duct type)

Case 6

pancreas mass - whipple

FX2: common bile duct margin FX3: pancreatic transection margin

FX4: Mass to uncinate
Mjf79 FX2 (common bile duct margin): TINEM

FX3 (pancreatic transection margin): TINEM (permanent: chronic pancreatitis)

FX4 (Mass to uncinate): adenocarcinoma viable cells are present. Uncinate margin negative for tumor (permanent: ductal adenocarcinoma)

Case 7

pancreas mass - whipple

FX1: bile duct margin FX2 + level: pancreatic transection margin (2nd and 3rd slides)

FX2A: mass (4th slide)
Mjf79 FX1 (bile duct margin): TINEM

FX2 (pancreatic transection margin): positive for carcinoma FX2A (mass): Positive for carcinoma

Permanent for part 2: Invasive adenocarcinoma with involved pancreatic transection margin

Case 8

pancreas mass - whipple

FX2: bile duct margin FX4 + level: Pancreas transection margin

FX5: thickened common bile duct
Mjf79 FX2 (bile duct margin): TINEM

FX4 (pancreatic transection margin): Small ducts with involvement by intramucosal malignancy at least high-grade dysplasia (permanent: invasive adenocarcinoma moderately differentiated)

FX5 (thickened common bile duct): Invasive adenocarcinoma (permanent: invasive adenocarcinoma moderately differentiated - pancreatic head origin possibility of bile duct considered by favored against)

Case 9

pancreas mass - whipple

FX3+level: Bile duct margin

FX4: Bile duct margin
Mjf79 FX3: Positive for adenocarcinoma FX4: Positive for adenocarcinoma

Case 10

pancreas mass - whipple

FX1: Liver wedge biopsy FX3: Pancreas transection margin

FX4: Mass
Mjf79 FX1 (Liver wedge biopsy): Biliary proliferation (permanent: bile duct adenoma)

FX3: Pancreas transection margin: TINEM

FX4: Mass: Adenocarcinoma partially necrotic greater than 2 cm away from transection margin (permanent: adenocarcinoma of the pancreas)

Case 11

pancreas mass - whipple

FX1: gallbladder

FX2: pancreatic transection margin
Mjf79 FX1 (gallbladder): Chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis and adenomyosis FX2 (pancreatic transection margin): Adenocarcinoma

Case 12

pancreas mass - whipple

FX1: pancreatic transection margin

(2nd slide is permanent)
Mjf79 FX1 (pancreatic transection margin): Positive for carcinoma (permanent: Invasive adenocarcinoma)