From MGH Learn Pathology
EmbedVideo received the bad id "1. Variants, Nomenclature, Nucleic Acid Extraction" for the service "youtube".
EmbedVideo received the bad id "2. Cytogenetics, FISH" for the service "youtube".
EmbedVideo received the bad id "3. Array CGH" for the service "youtube".
EmbedVideo received the bad id "4. DNA Quantitation, PCR, qPCR, MLPA" for the service "youtube".
EmbedVideo received the bad id "5. PCR Sizing" for the service "youtube".
EmbedVideo received the bad id "6. Genotyping, Sanger, SNaPshot" for the service "youtube".
7. The Human Genome Project
EmbedVideo received the bad id "8. NGS Platforms" for the service "youtube".
EmbedVideo received the bad id "9. NGS Applications, Target Enrichment" for the service "youtube".
EmbedVideo received the bad id "10. NGS Informatics, Analysis" for the service "youtube".