WSI24-104: Sinus

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Request type Study
Subspecialty Head and Neck
Set [[]]
Topic Sinus
Presenter Faquin, William C.,MD, PhD
Date and time Thursday, May 9, 2024 1:53 PM

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

61 year old male with sinus tumor. Emw8 Schwannoma.

Case 2

65 year old male with left maxillary sinus mass. Emw8 Oncocytic sinonasal papilloma.

Case 3

25 year old male with frontal sinus tumor. Emw8 c/w RCC-like sinonasal adenocarcinoma.

Case 4

82 year old female with nasal cavity mass. Emw8 Rosai Dorfman disease.

Case 5

78 year old female with nasal mass epiphora and history of myxofibrosarcoma. Emw8 Malignant melanoma (+ for S-100 HMB-45 Sox-10).

Case 6

52 year old Haitian male. Emw8 HTLVI-associated adult T-cell lymphoma. (CD4+ CD7- CD25+ EBER-)

Case 7

46 year old male with left nasal mass. Emw8 Chondrosarcoma grade 2-3/3.

Case 8

70 year old female with nasal cavity mass. Emw8 Pyogenic granuloma.

Case 9

37 year old female with nasal obstruction. Emw8 NK/T cell lymphoma (EBER+ CD3+).

Case 10

49 year old female with left nasal mass. Emw8 Sinonasal meningioma.

Case 11

87 year old male with nasal skin lesion. Emw8 Angiosarcoma.

Case 13

55 year old male with history of leprosy and sinusitis. Emw8 Non-necrotizing granulomas c/w known leprosy.

Case 16

45 year old male with sinus and supraglottic mass. Emw8 Rosai-Dorfman Disease.

Case 31

10 year old male with right nasal mass. Emw8 Olfactory neuroblastoma.

Case 38

67 year old male with left maxillary cancer. Emw8 NUT carcinoma

Case 39

58 year old female with left nasal mass. Emw8 Biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma; S100 SMA +

Case 41

46 year old female with sinus mass. Emw8 Malignant melanoma.

Case 48

82 year old female with right maxillary sinus mass. Emw8 Sinonasal papilloma oncocytic type.

Case 53

56 year old female with maxillary sinus polyps. Emw8 Sinonasal papilloma inverted type with squamous features.

Case 59

71 year old female with nasal mass. Emw8 Biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma.

Case 66

32 year old female with nasal mass. Emw8 Olfactory neuroblastoma Hyams grade 3.

Case 74

37 year old female with maxillary sinus tumor. Emw8 Sinonasal teratocarcinosarcoma.

Case 83

49 year old male with right pyriform sinus mass. Emw8 Dedifferentiated liposarcoma. FISH + for MDM2

Case 93

45 year old male with large nasal mass. Emw8 Plasmacytoma.

Case 104

50 year old female with sinonasal mass. Emw8 Sinonasal carcinoma with squamous and glandular features with inverted papilloma.

Case 116

78 year old female with sphenoid sinus mass. Emw8 Meningioma WHO grade 1.

Case 129

1 year old female with large sinonasal mass. Emw8 Desmoid fibromatosis.

Case 143

65 year old male with right sinus mass. Emw8 Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma.

Case 158

60 year old female with 1.5 cm nasal lesion. Emw8 c/w eosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis (IgG4 RD).

Case 174

76 year old female with sinonasal mass. Emw8 Ameloblastic carcinoma.

Case 191

43 year old female with maxillary cyst. Emw8 Calcifying odontogenic cyst.

Case 209

38 year old female with sinonasal mass. Emw8 Biphasic sinonasal neoplasm most c/w olfactory neuroblastoma with divergent low-grade epithelial differentiation.

Case 228

49 year old male with sinus tumor involving ethmoid and left orbit. Emw8 Biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma. IHC: S-100+ SMA+

Case 248

30 year old male with sinusitis. Emw8 Abundant allergic mucin.

Case 269

62 year old female sinus content. Emw8 Infiltrating meningioma.

Case 270

79 year old male with nasal mass obstructing breathing. Emw8 Ameloblastoma (although w/incr mitoses)

Case 271

48 year old woman with 3 cm nasal mass which extends to the posterior choana and nasopharyx. Emw8 Biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma.

S100 protein: positive diffuse SMA: positive patchy Desmin: positive focal CD34: negative STAT6: negative Sox 10 negative AE1/3: negative Nuclear b-catenin: positive focal Pan-TRK: positive focal

FISH shows pAX3 gene translocation

Case 272

37 year old female with maxillary sinus tumor. Emw8 Sinonasal teratocarcinosarcoma.

Case 273

Posterior nasal mass in a 52 year old female. Emw8 Sinonasal hamartoma with osseous and serosanguinous features.

Case 274

63 year old female with sinonasal mass. Emw8 Sinonasal non-keratinizing SCC.

Case 277

63 year old female with sinonasal mass. Emw8 Sinonasal non-keratinizing SCC.

Case 280

63 year old female with sinonasal mass. Emw8 Sinonasal non-keratinizing SCC.

Case 283

63 year old female with sinonasal mass. Emw8 Sinonasal non-keratinizing SCC.

Case 285

42 year old male with sinonasal mass and lung mass. Emw8 Sinonasal teratocarcinosarcoma with lung met.

Case 286

63 year old female with sinonasal mass. Emw8 Sinonasal non-keratinizing SCC.

Case 288

42 year old male with sinonasal mass and lung mass. Emw8 Sinonasal teratocarcinosarcoma with lung met.

Case 289

63 year old female with sinonasal mass. Emw8 Sinonasal non-keratinizing SCC.

Case 292

63 year old female with sinonasal mass. Emw8 Sinonasal non-keratinizing SCC.

Case 295

63 year old female with sinonasal mass. Emw8 Sinonasal non-keratinizing SCC.

Case 298

63 year old female with sinonasal mass. Emw8 Sinonasal non-keratinizing SCC.

Case 301

42 year old male with sinonasal mass and lung mass. Emw8 Sinonasal teratocarcinosarcoma with lung met.

Case 302

60 year old male with history of sinonasal SCC. Now with recurrence. Emw8 High-grade transformation to SNUC.

Case 303

37 year old female with left nasal mass. Emw8 Pyogenic granuloma.

Case 304

69 year old male with large sinonasal and skull base mass. Emw8 c/w SNUC.

Case 305

54 year old female with 2.0 cm sinonasal mass. Emw8 Sinonasal glomangiopericytoma.

Case 306

79 year old female with sinus lesion. Emw8 Oncocytic sinonasal papilloma.

Case 307

57 year old female with nasal vault lesion. Emw8 Sinonasal non-keratinizing SCC. The tumor is + for HPV16.

Case 308

35 year old male with nasal cavity mass. Emw8 Olfactory neuroblastoma with olfactory carcinoma.

Case 309

62 year old male with sinus cyst. Emw8 Focal ameloblastoma.

Case 310

29 year old female with sinusitis. Emw8 Low-grade papillary adenocarcinoma.

Case 312

57 year old male with left nasal mass. Emw8 Low-grade non-intestinal sinonasal adenocarcinoma.

Case 313

70 year old female with pansinusitis. Emw8 Olfactory neuroblastoma. Hyams grade 2 of 4.

Case 315

37 year old male with tongue lesion. Emw8 Syphilis.

Case 322

51 year old male with post superior nasal mass. Emw8 Olfactory carcinoma.

Case 323

61 year old female with sinonasal mass. Emw8 c/w olfactory carcinoma.

Case 324

68 year old female with nasal mass. Emw8 Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. PAX3:DOX 01 fusion + Mycetoma.

Case 325

49 year old female with large sinonasal mass. Emw8 c/w SNUC

Case 327

61 year old male with nasopharynx mass. Emw8 DLBCL

Case 328

54 year old male with sinus mass. Emw8 Meningioma

Case 329

71 year old female with 2 cm maxillary sinus mass. Emw8 Respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma.

Case 330

74 year old female with left olfactory cleft (nasal) lesion. Emw8 REAH