DZI19-89: Ovary - Germ Cell Tumors - Teratomas (Other than Monodermal)

From MGH Learn Pathology
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Request type Study
Subspecialty Gynecologic
Set GYN Resident Education
Topic Ovary - Germ Cell Tumors - Teratomas (Other than Monodermal)
Presenter Oliva, Esther,MD

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

None provided Mzo Mature Solid Teratoma with numerous tufts of papillary tissue which represent respiratory epithelium (confirmed on IHC with TTF1)

Case 2

None provided Mzo Immature teratoma grade 3

Case 3

None provided Mzo Mature teratoma with sieve-like pattern with associated mucinous cystic tumor having LAMN like features

Case 4

None provided Mzo Mature cystic teratoma with PNET with GBM like features

Case 5

None provided Mzo Mature Cystic Teratoma with areas mimicking immature areas which are in fact spendymal canals and tubules in varying degrees of development as would be seen in the developing fetal brain.

Case 6

None provided Mzo Mature Solid Teratoma with "spindle cell proliferation" which represents closely packed proliferation of small blood vessels that can be seen in some teratomas

Case 7

None provided Mzo Mature Cystic Teratoma

Case 8

None provided Mzo Mature cystic teratoma with neuroblastoma includes rosette formation

Case 9

None provided Mzo Mature cystic teratoma with neuroblastoma; slide 1 shows sieve like pattern of teratoma