WSI23-139: Gastrointestinal didactic - Friday, September 15, 2023

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Request type AP didactic (409073007) - MGH
Subspecialty Gastrointestinal
Set [[]]
Topic Lower GI tract inflammatory
Presenter Glickman, Jonathan N.,MD, PhD
Date and time Friday, September 15, 2023 12:00 PM

Case Clinical history Requester
Case Clinical history Requester

Case 1

20 year old total proctocolectomy. Are the findings supportive of IBD? If so what is the best classification? Jg67

Case 2

14 y.o. with abdominal pain. Endoscopy: Inflamed ileum and ICV Jg67

Case 3

69 y.o. with diarrhea. Random colon biopsy. Patchy erythema. Jg67

Case 4

Colon resection. Do you think this is IBD? What is the fundamental cause of the inflammation here? Jg67

Case 5

53 y.o. male UC surveillance; descending (3) and sigmoid (4) colon biopsies. Which biopsies (if any) are abnormal? Jg67

Case 6

50 y.o. male with lung cancer; c/o diarrhea. Possible causes? Jg67

Case 7

40 y.o renal transplant recipient. Diarrhea Jg67

Case 8

70 y.o. with rectal ulcer; history of prostate cancer Jg67