WSI23-36: Bladder

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Request type Study
Subspecialty Genitourinary
Set Genitourinary
Topic Bladder
Presenter Sadow, Peter M.,MD, PhD
Date and time Saturday, April 1, 2023 12:00 PM

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

20 year old male with hematuria and 5 mm bladder outlet mass Si787 Inverted papilloma

Case 2

25 year old female with acute hematuria and a bladder mass Si787 Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor

Case 3

84 year old male with gross hematuria Si787 Prostatic adenocarcinoma high grade infiltrating bladder tumor

Case 4

65 year old male with bladder diverticulum Si787 Papillary TCC grade 2-focal 3/3 non-invasive (pTa) no muscularis

Case 5

70 year old female with h/o 4+3 prostate ca tx with chemo rad and now with bladder mass Si787 Urothelial mucosa with prominent edema and reactive changes c/w post-radiation effect. TINEM

Case 6

80 year old male with indwelling Foley and bladder mass Si787 Spindle cell nodule granulation tissue fungal infection  ? Aspergillus

Case 7

67 year old male with periprostatic posterior bladder inflammatory mass Si787 Consistent with IgG4-related chronic sclerosing disease

Case 8

62 year old female with intermittent bladder pain and hematuria Si787 Colloid carcinoma of the bladder

Case 9

55 year old male with left bladder wall mass Si787 Transitional cell carcinoma grade 1 to 2 minimally invaisve of the lamina propria (pT1) with an unusual inverted growth pattern

Case 10

51 year old male presents with severe lowertgv abdominal pain Si787 Urothelial carcinoma micropapillary variant (grade 3 of 3) with extension into perivesical fat prostate SV and 8/8 LN. Pt4a N3 MX

Case 11

69 year old man with polypoid bladder mass Si787 Paraganglioma (0.35 cm) SDHB-retained

Case 12

2 year old female with bladder/urethral lesion Si787 Rhabdomyosarcoma

Case 13

57 year old female with history of pelvic pain and markedly abnormal bladder surface with white appearance Si787 Marked hyperkeratosis. Separate fragment of poorly differentiated malignant neoplasm. Haplotyping confirms float

Case 14

70 year old man dx with 4+5=9/10 prostate cancer with extensive local extension 10 yrs ago and now presents with bladder mass Si787 High grade prostatic adenocarcinoma infiltrating the muscularis propria of the bladder and sparing the bladder surface

Case 15

68 year old female Si787 Clear cell adenocarcinoma of the urethra llikely arising in a diverticulum adjacent to the bladder invasive into perivesicular fat *2.3 x 2.1 x 1.3 cm pT3)

Case 16

86 year old male with bladder cancer Si787 Carcinoma in situ

Case 17

84 year old male with bladder calculus Si787 Papillary transitional cell carcinoma grade 2-3 of 3 non-invasive (pTa). Prostatic adenocarcinoma gleason score 3+3=6/10 25% of tissue

Case 18

23 year old male with gross hematuria and papillary lesion in cystoscopy Si787 Inverted papilloma of the bladder

Case 19

12 year old female with bladder tumor Si787 Papillary transitional cell carcinoma grade 1 of 3 non-invasive

Case 20

77 year old male with h/o bladder cancer Si787 Papillary transitional cell carcinoma grade 2 of 3 non-invasive focally involving prostatic ducts

Case 21

64 year old man with bladder lesion Si787 Papillary transitinoal cell carcinoma grde 3 of 3 (1.9 cm) invasive thru muscularis propria → perivesicle fat. CIS. Invasion of prostatic ducts into parenchma with LVI. + nodes

Case 22

70 year old male with multiple bladder lesions Si787 Transitional cell carcinoma grade III/III invasive into lamina propria and worrisome for muscularis invasion (H)

Case 23

57 year old male with tumor arising in a bladder diverticulum Si787 Papillary transitional cell carcinoma grade 3 of 3 (high grade urothelial carcinoma) with invasion into muscularis propria (pT2). High grade with pleomorphic areas suggestive of squamoid and sarcomatous differentiation. No vascular invasion is identified.

Case 24

79 year old with longstanding h/o superficial bladder cancer with invasive TCC on the left s/p left nephroureterectomy Si787 Carcinoma in situ in all sections

Case 25

69 year old male with history of prostatic and bladder cancer Si787 Papillary transitional cell carcnoma grade 3 of 3 invasive of the muscularis propria

Case 26

75 year old with BPH and TURP. This 2 cm bladder lesion was seen on the way in. Si787 Inverted papilloma

Case 27

62 year old male with bladder tumor. Si787 Urothelial carcinoma micropapillary type high grade (3/3) multifocal. Perivesical lymphatic invasion.

Case 28

61 year old male with Hunner's ulcer Si787 Interstitial cystitis