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From MGH Learn Pathology
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|supportingInfo=Pulmonary Pathology
|supportingInfo=Pulmonary Pathology
|reasonCode=AMY PULM
|reasonCode=AMY PULM
|authoredOn=October 16, 2020 06:55:27 PM
|authoredOn=October 16, 2020 06:55:27 PM

Latest revision as of 15:17, June 21, 2022

Request type Study
Subspecialty Pulmonary Pathology
Set Frozen Conference
Presenter Ly, Amy,MD

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

65 yo F with RUL mass Mjf79 FX: adenocarcinoma predominantly lepidic focally extending to inked parenchymal margin Final: minimally invasive adenocarcinoma (95% lepidic 5% acinar well-diff)

Case 2

63 yo M with mediastinal lymphadenopathy Mjf79 poorly differentiated carcinoma favor small cell permanent: metastatic small cell carcinoma

Case 3

46 yo M with round lingula lesion Mjf79 hamartoma benign final: hamartoma 1.5 cm with surgical clearance of 0.5 cm

Case 4

74 yo F with a pleural effusion Mjf79 atypical epithelioid cells infiltrating skeletal muscle favor mesothelioma final: malignant mesothelioma epithelioid type

Case 5

69 yo F with a LUL mass Mjf79 poorly diff carcinoma (?neuroendocrine) final: LCNEC

Case 6

75 yo M with multiple lung nodules Mjf79 FX1 (RML wedge): benign intraparenchymal lymph node no carcinoma seen. FX2 (RUL subpleural nodule): adenocarcinoma with features suggestive of metastasis FX2A (RUL dominant mass): Adenocarcinoma with papillary micropapillary and acinar patterns. Final: FX1: one benign intrapulmonary lymph node. FX2: Multiple foci of metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma FX2A: Papillary adenocarcinoma of the lung (lepidic 30% acinar mod diff 20% papillary 45% micropapillary 5%)

Case 7

57 yo F with GGO Mjf79 Organizing pneumonia. No malignancy identified. Final: organizing pneumonia with fibrosis and lymphoid aggregates.

Case 8

69 yo F with lung mass Mjf79 Consistent with small cell carcinoma final: small cell carcinoma

Case 9

69 yo F with RML mass Mjf79 carcinoid final: carcinoid typical

Case 10

62 yo F with lung mass Mjf79 metastatic osteosarcoma final: metastatic osteosarcoma

Case 11

68 yo M with lung mass Mjf79 NSCLC favor SCC final: SCC