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Request type Study
Subspecialty Gastrointestinal
Set Frozen Conference
Topic VDE Liver
Presenter Vd019 (user needs to log in to Learn Pathology)

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

72 yo M with ileal mass - 3.1 cm encapsulated tan-white submucosal mass extruding. Mjf79 FX1 1A(RS mass): spindle cell neoplasm. Do not favor metastatic melanoma. Permanent: GIST low-grade spindle cell type

Case 2

74 Yo M with pancreatic tumor presenting for whipple. You receive "liver lesion." Partial hepatectomy inked black and sectioned. EF as FX1 1A. Mjf79 FX1 1A: hemangioma negative for malignancy Permanent: hemangioma

Case 3

58 yo with h/o metastatic CRC. Appendix sent - sectioned to reveal 2.5 cm gray-white firm mass in the attached mesoappendix. RS-->FX1 1A. Proximal uninvolved appendix-->FX1B Mjf79 FX1 1A (RS mass): Adenocarcinoma involving periappendiceal soft tissue and appendiceal wall. Appendiceal mucosa is benign. No evidence of appendiceal primary. Permanent: metastatic adenocarcinoma c/w colon primary

Case 4

"Cholangiocarcinoma. (Slides 1-3): ""Right left and common hepatic duct"" - oriented Y-shaped tubular portion of ST. Left hepatic duct shaved --> FX1 (1st slide) Right hepatic duct shaved --> FX1A (2nd slide) common hepatic duct shaved --> FX1B (3rd slide). Specimen opened to reveal a thickened fibrotic wall (up to 0.6 cm).

4th slide: ""jejunal margin of hepatojejunostomy"" - tubular ST EF-->FX2 (4th slide).

5th slide: ""new proximal left duct margin"" - tubular ST EF-->FX3 (5th slide)"
Mjf79 "FX1(left hepatic duct margin): Positive for malignancy.

FX1A(Right hepatic duct margin): high-grade dysplasia with concern for cancerization of duct. FX#1B(common hepatic duct margin): Adenocarcinoma. FX#2(jejunal margin of hepaticojejunostomy): c/w reactive atypia FX#3(new proximal duct margin): Positive for adenocarcinoma" "Permanent: FX1 (left and common hepatic duct margin): Invasive adenocarcinoma FX1A(Right hepatic duct margin): High-grade dysplasia FX1B(common hepatic duct margin): invasive adenocarcinom FX2(jejunal margin of hepaticojejunostomy): Small intestine with marked reactive atypia and acute and chronic inflammation. TINEM.

FX3(New proximal left duct margin): invasvie adenocarcinoma best seen on FX slides."

Case 5

46 yo M with "carcinoid tumor of intestine." Portion of small bowel - 4.5 cm tan-white firm lesion with irregular borders within mesentery. Abundant tan-white fibrous tissue extending through mesenteric tissue surrounding mass. Mucosa is uninvolved. RS mass--> FX1 and FX3 (both slides) Mjf79 FX1 A1: Spindle cell lesion. Lymph node. Discussed with surgeon. Defer to permanents. Permanent: Desmoid type fibromatosis involving the wall of the small intestine and mesenteric adipose tissue.

Case 6

30 yo M with Crohns. "Pelvic nodule" - 0.9 cm cyst with attached fat filled with tan-yellow fluid. Mjf79 FX1(pelvic nodule): nodular fat necrosis TINEM Permanent: fibroadipose tissue with fat necrosis FBGCR to suture and CI. TINEM.

Case 7

32 yo F 11.5 cm hepatic mass. RS mass to uninvovled hepatic parenchyma FX1 Mjf79 FX1(mass): Hepatocellular neoplasm favor hepatocellular adenoma permanent: hepatocellular adenoma

Case 8

62 yo F with retroperitoneal mass. "Small bowel mesenteric mass" 8cm pink-tan smooth walled cystic ST with scant milky white fluid. RS-->FX1 Mjf79 FX1: consistent with lymphangioma Permanent: lymphangioma

Case 9

64 yo with h/o gastric cancer poorly differentiated with signet ring cell features. "Omental biopsy #1" ST EF Mjf79 FX1: Favor carcinoma Permanent: Adenocarcinoma poorly differentiated invasive consistent with gastric primary.

Case 10

60 yo with gallbladder mass - 1.5 cm cystic area at fundus of gallbladder. RS cystic lesion Mjf79 FX1: Benign appearing adenomatous proliferation Permanent: Gallbladder with adenomyoma of fundus and chronic cholecystitis.

Case 11

68 yo F -- gallbladder mass 0.6 cm ill-defined mass within fundus -->RS FX3 Mjf79 FX3(gallbladde mass): adenocarcinoma consistent with gallbladder primary Permanent: Invasive adenocarcinoma

Case 12

70 yo M - small bowel resection 2.2 cm tan-yellow fibrotic appearing subserosal mass. RS-->FX1 Mjf79 FX1(mass): well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor Permanent: Neuroendocrine tumor grade 1