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Latest revision as of 10:28, March 17, 2023

Request type Study
Subspecialty Head and Neck
Set ENT Pathology
Topic Sinonasal and Nasopharynx
Presenter Sadow, Peter M.,MD, PhD
Date and time Saturday, October 1, 2022 12:00 PM

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

30 year old with multiple years of recurrent sinus infections and asymmetric breathing Si787 Chronic rhinosinusitis

Case 2

61 year old male with chronic sinusitis nasal obstruction and left maxillary inverted papilloma; here left sinus contents Si787 Schneiderian papilloma inverted type extensive. There is no evidence of dysplasia

Case 3

75 year old male with left nasal tumor Si787 Sinonasal glomangiopericytoma (1.3 cm) +SMA + nuclear B catenin - kerative - CD34 -S100

Case 4

42 year old male with left nasal polyp. Rule out lymphoma Si787 c/w aneurysmal bone cyst

Case 5

50 year old female with chronic sinusitis Si787 Chronic rhinosinusitis with central nervous tissue

Case 6

66 year old male with h/of nasal polyp Si787 Respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma

Case 7

60 year old male with nasal polyps sinusitis and left septal lesion Si787 Respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma

Case 8

74 year old female with history of multiple lesions of this type and now with left nasal septum mass Si787 Xanthogranuloma (0.7 cm) +CD163 + CD68 - ALK-1 CD1 CD23 CD35

Case 9

15 year old male with nasopharyngeal mass Si787 Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (4.0 cm)

Case 10

62 year old female with vague history of fibrous dysplasia (not documented at MGH) with prior left sinus biopsy showing polypoid chronic rhinosinusitis. She now has had new onset ofleft supraorbital pain and pressue for 1.5 months. Si787 Meningioma infiltrating sinus tissue and bone

Case 11

36 year old male with right sinonasal mass with worsening nasal obstructive symptom with a one time episode of severe nose bleed almost one year prior. CT shows a 3.4 cm mass centered along the sphenopalatine foramen Si787 Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma

Case 12

59 year old male endosinus drainage of abscess; orbital abscess Si787 Schneiderian papilloma inverted type.

Case 13

39 year old male with 3 mm lesion superior aspect of inferior turbinate Si787 Low grade glandular neoplasm most consistent with an atypical pleomorphic adenoma sinonasal type

Case 14

72 year old male with intranasal mass previously biopsied outside with unusual features. Thought to be benign. Si787 Salivary-type carcinoma low to intermediate grade with divergent differentiation arising in association with a hamartoma.

Case 15

40 year old male ith trans-septal nasal mass Si787 Glomangiopericytoma with surface ulceration and contact ulcer/pyogenic granuloma

Case 16

49 year old male with a slow-growing large mass within the maxillary sinus extending to the temporal area as well as the masseter muscles and posteriorly into the cavernous sinus Si787 Low grade osteosarcoma

Case 17

20 year old male with sudden onset of anosmia and dysgensia Si787 Olfactory neuroblastoma (subtype is esthesioneuroepithelioma)

Case 18

20 year old male with sudden onset of anosmia and dysgensia Si787 Olfactory neuroblastoma (subtype is esthesioneuroepithelioma)

Case 19

47 year old female with obstructive nasal mass. Sent with R/O lymhoma Si787 Nasopharnygeal carcinoma

Case 20

70 year old male with epistaxis and recurrent left-sided nasal lesion first biopsied 3 years prior Si787 Schneiderian papilloma oncocytic type

Case 21

48 year old male with diplopia and right proptosis. CT - large enhancing mass emanating from superior right nasal region and ethmoid air cells up to 4.2 cm Si787 Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma infiltrating bone with LVI

Case 22

53 year old male with h/o recurrent respiratory infectious and sinusitis Si787 A. Schneiderian papilloma inverted type with melanosis. B. Melanosis

Case 23

48 year old male with recurring intranasal lesion Si787 Schneiderian papilloma exophytic type (HPV-related)

Case 24

53 year old male with h/o of renal cell carcinoma (clear cell type grade 3/4) 3 yrs prior who prsents with a lesion of the paranasal sinuses Si787 Metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma to sinus mucosa

Case 25

47 year old male with congestion of nasal passages and sinuses Si787 Chronic rhinosinusitis with numerous non-caseating granulomas c/w sarcoidosis. GMS & PAS/D are negative

Case 26

30 year old male with right maxillary sinus problem presenting with loosening of teeth in right upper maxilla over he course of one year Si787 Inflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma low grade (1 of 3) 4.0 cm. MITS 11:10 hpf - ALK-1 SMA +focal keratin

Case 27

46 year old female with septal deviation and chronic rhinosinusitis Si787 Nasal mucosal hamartoma with apocrine and papillary change (0.2 cm) in setting of chronic rhinosinusitis

Case 28

55 year old female with chronic sinusitis Si787 Schneiderian papilloma oncocytic type

Case 29

15 year old female with recurring rhinosinusitis Si787 Allergic fungal rhinosinusitis with eosinophils and allergic mucin

Case 30

72 year old female with nasal cavity mass biopsy Si787 High grade carcinoma NOS

Case 31

21 day old male with nasal congestion and intranasal mass Si787 Nasal glial heterotopia (nasal glioma)

Case 32

59 year old female with chronic rhinosinusitis and large antral choanal polyp on the left. Si787 Polypoid sinonasal mucinous hamartoma

Case 33

86 year old with left intranasal lesion Si787 Basal cell adenoma tubulotrabecular type (aggregating to 5.0 cm)

Case 34

55 year old male ith 2 year h/o epiphora with imaging revealing a lacrimal sac tumor with boy erosion and invading into the left orbit nasal cavity and maxillary sinus Si787 Adenoid cystic carcinoma solid and cribriform types

Case 35

65 year old male presents with opacification of right sinus Si787 Sinonasal adenocarcinoma low grade NOS with features of intestinal-type nondiagnostic of

Case 36

53 year old female with left nasal lesion Si787 Oncocytoma with cystic and papillary change (0.7 cm)

Case 37

48 year old male with recurrent lesion of the nasal septum Si787 Myoepithelial-rich low grade salivary gland neoplasm. 1. Recurrent. 2. Pleomorphic adenoma with elevated risk of recurrence/aggressive behavior as no gross evidence of disease

Case 38

29 year old male with h/o multiorgan failure with nasal necrosis Si787 Infiltrative fungal hyphae c/w aspergillus species

Case 39

60 year old female with chronic rhinosinusitis with ethmoid opacification Si787 Aspergilloma with polarizable calcium oxalate crystals

Case 40

33 year old female with sinonasal lesion Si787 Sinonasal small cell carcinoma

Case 41

34 year old female with nasal mass Si787 Osteoblastoma

Case 42

62 year old physician with left nasal mass Si787 Low grade benign-appearing fascicular spindle cell neoplasm suggestive of myepithelial. Focal p63 focal S100 - keratins - SMA

Case 43

88 year old female with lesion in right ala ofnose Si787 Sebaceous cell carcinoma (1.7 cm) + PN1

Case 44

50 year old male with h/o sinonasal tumor Si787 Invasive Schneiderian carcinoma with carcinoma in situ

Case 45

64 year old female with h/o sinusitis; now with bony mass  ? fibro-osseous lesion Si787 Sinonasal hamartoma

Case 46

54 year old Moroccan male with several years history of intermittent nose bleeds with 4 cm mass in nasopharynx of CT left nasal blockage X 3 months Si787 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma non-keratinizing undifferentiated type. EBER +

Case 47

73 year old male skin of nose Si787 Rhinophyoma

Case 48

50 year old male with a nasopharyngeal mass Si787 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma non-keratinizing undifferentiated type. EBER +

Case 49

40 year old male presents with increasing chronic left nasal and sinus congestion with increasing hx of nose bleeds and headache Si787 Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma HPV16+

Case 50

10 year old male with nasal mass Si787 Dermoid cyst

Case 51

49 year old female with bilateral skull-based tumor and cranial nerve palsy Si787 Adenoid cystic carcinoma solid and cribriform types + PN1

Case 52

23 year old male Si787 Sinonasal low grade adenocarcinoma non-intestinal type

Case 53

9 year old male with nasopharyngeal tumor Si787 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma non-keratinizing undifferentiated type

Case 54

33 year old female Si787 Consistent with ecthyma gangrenosum dur to Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Gram negative rods on Brown-Hopps)

Case 55

71 year old female Si787 Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma

Case 56

63 year old female Si787 Schneiderian papilloma oncocytic type

Case 57

82 year old female Si787 Atpical pleomorphic adenoma (5.7 cm)

Case 58

46 year old male Si787 Plurihormonal pituitary adenoma infiltrating sinus mucosa

Case 59

40 year old male Si787 Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma

Case 60

29 year old woman with a history of unilateral conductive hearing loss and unspecified contralateral hearing loss also with a history of rhinitis chronic eustachian tube dysfunction and a nasopharyngeal mass that clinically looks like skin. Pms36 Hairy polyp