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Latest revision as of 09:06, April 18, 2023

Request type Study
Subspecialty Genitourinary
Set Genitourinary
Topic Urethra
Presenter Sadow, Peter M.,MD, PhD
Date and time Saturday, April 1, 2023 12:00 PM

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

CaseClinical historyRequester
CaseClinical historyRequester

Case 1

67 year old male with small papillary tumors in penile urethra s/p TURP for bladder outlet obstruction Si787

Case 2

28 year old female with vaginal mass Si787

Case 3

45 year old male with history of seminoma 12 years prior as well as phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor of the femur now presents with a right retroperitoneal mass Si787

Case 4

55 year old female with h/o carcinosarcoma of the uterus now with pelvic clot versus tumor Si787

Case 5

71 year old male with 9.5 cm right posterior chest wall mass. Also with 10 cm mediastinum mass Si787

Case 6

59 year old male s/p inguinal hernia repair. Noticed left groin mass. By PET enlarged bulky hypermetabolic nodes it the left external iliac distribution. No hx of cutaneous lesions or other carcinoma. Si787

Case 7

30 year old male with an enlarging left epididymal mass Si787

Case 8

67 year old male with small papillary tumors in penile urethra s/p TURP for bladder outlet obstruction. Emw8

Case 9

19 year old male with left testicular mass. Emw8

Case 11

18 year old hockey player with abdominal discomfort and CT scan to r/o colitis found to have 9 mm right-sided testis mass. Emw8

Case 12

45 year old male with history of seminoma 12 years prior as well as phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor of the right femur now presents with a right retroperitoneal mass. Emw8

Case 13

55 year old female with h/o carcinosarcoma of the uterus now with pelvic clot versus tumor. Emw8

Case 14

71 year old male with 9.5 cm right posterior chest wall mass. Also with10 cm mediastinum mass. Emw8

Case 15

59 year old male s/p B inguinal hernia repair. Noticed L groin mass. By PET enlarged bulky hypermetabolic nodes in the L external iliac distribution. No history of cutaneous lesion or other carcinoma. Emw8

Case 16

30 year old male with von Hippel Lindau syndrome and a left epididymal mass. Emw8

Case 17

28 year old female with vaginal mass. Emw8
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 entries