_creationDate | September 30, 2021 |
_modificationDate | June 21, 2022 |
_creator | Si787 |
_fullText | {{ServiceRequestCase
|requisition=CCSP 2021
|supportingInfo=Giant cell hepatitis.
|reasonCode=62 year old woman with history of HCV and alcohol use, pre ... |
_numRevisions | 7 |
_isRedirect | No |
identifier | WSI21-171-Case-3 |
basedOn | WSI21-171 |
requisition | CCSP 2021 |
intent | order |
category | 409073007 |
priority | routine |
code | cme |
orderDetail | case |
subject | MGH |
occurrenceDateTime | December 31, 1969 7:00:00 PM |
authoredOn | December 31, 1969 7:00:00 PM |
requester | null |
performer | AZ375 |
locationCode | learn |
reasonCode | 62 year old woman with history of HCV and alcohol use • presents with elevated LFTs. ALT 423. AST 683. ALP 226. |
supportingInfo | Giant cell hepatitis. |
specimen | null |
bodySite | null |
sequence | 3 |
access | public |