_creationDate | September 7, 2021 |
_modificationDate | March 9, 2022 |
_creator | Em99 |
_fullText | {{dziCase
|qctime=Sep 08, 2021 14:55:48
|order_date=September 07, 2021 08:37:40 PM
|publish_timestamp=09/10/2021 13:30:00
|clinical_hx=39 yo F bilateral axillae, submammary crease, and intercrural folds (intertriginous areas) rash
|case ... |
_categories | dziCase |
_numRevisions | 8 |
_isRedirect | No |
dziorder | WSI21-149 |
linkurl | null |
case_id | 1 |
clinical_hx | 39 yo F bilateral axillae, submammary crease, and intercrural folds (intertriginous areas) rash |
case_diagnosis | Dowling-Degos disease |
order_date | September 7, 2021 8:37:40 PM |
user | Em99 |
qc | Yes |
qcuser | Aja51 |
qctime | September 8, 2021 2:55:48 PM |
dziorder | WSI21-149 |
slide_id | 1 |
slide_stain | H&E |
slide_anatomy | Not specified |
source_filename | Z0FBQUFBQmhOODRpNHlKQWdUT0FWZW9YYVVUTkJxaWt0b0Y0M3BEODl1bllQRi1pR3RHWERla0s4MHlSX3J1TXg4SGI4d0VNdU05V1JZUTlxREpucl9xSUJLTkV4WE5weGc9PQ |
dzi_filename | WSI21-149-Case-1_1 |
linkurl | null |
order_date | September 7, 2021 8:37:40 PM |
user | Em99 |