_creationDate | October 4, 2023 |
_modificationDate | October 4, 2023 |
_creator | Si787 |
_fullText | {{ServiceRequestCase
|occurrenceDateTime=07:00 AM
|authoredOn=Oct 4th, 2023 1:35:56 PM
|reasonCode=72M. Lung squamous ce ... |
_numRevisions | 1 |
_isRedirect | No |
identifier | WSI21-141-Case-30 |
basedOn | WSI21-141 |
requisition | Cytology |
intent | order |
category | null |
priority | routine |
code | study |
orderDetail | case |
subject | MGH |
occurrenceDateTime | October 2023 |
authoredOn | October 4, 2023 1:35:56 PM |
requester | Iac0 |
performer | MGH |
locationCode | learn |
reasonCode | 72M. Lung squamous cell carcinoma. Now with right temporalis muscle mass. On imaging • the tumor involving the right pterional calvarium and pachymeninges. |
supportingInfo | Meningioma. |
specimen | null |
bodySite | null |
sequence | 30 |
access | private |
status | active |
identifier | WSI21-141-Case-30 |
requester | Iac0 |
authoredOn | October 4, 2023 1:35:56 PM |
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basedOn | WSI21-141-Case-30 |
partOf | WSI21-141 |
status | active |
type | image |
modality | mrxs |
view | show |
createdDateTime | October 4, 2023 1:35:56 PM |
operator | Iac0 |
reasonCode | PAP NGYN |
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identifier | 3da96ebc-02e1-44ef-afa8-c76dcc455e65 |
basedOn | WSI21-141-Case-30 |
partOf | WSI21-141 |
status | active |
type | image |
modality | mrxs |
view | show |
createdDateTime | October 4, 2023 1:35:56 PM |
operator | Iac0 |
reasonCode | PAP NGYN |
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identifier | 1a41e1f7-54fd-42f5-8654-503ba86ee7d3 |
basedOn | WSI21-141-Case-30 |
partOf | WSI21-141 |
status | active |
type | image |
modality | mrxs |
view | show |
createdDateTime | October 4, 2023 1:35:56 PM |
operator | Iac0 |
reasonCode | PAP NGYN |
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note | null |
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identifier | 536f1c62-54df-4f52-8cac-11639e362b5b |
basedOn | WSI21-141-Case-30 |
partOf | WSI21-141 |
status | active |
type | image |
modality | mrxs |
view | show |
createdDateTime | October 4, 2023 1:35:56 PM |
operator | Iac0 |
reasonCode | H&E L2 5 Micron |
bodySite | null |
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