_creationDate | June 14, 2021 |
_modificationDate | December 9, 2024 |
_creator | Mml55 |
_fullText | {{ServiceRequestCase
|supportingInfo=Mycobacterial Spindle Cell Pseudotumor
|reasonCode=65 year old woman with a remote history of sarcoidosis who pres ... |
_numRevisions | 10 |
_isRedirect | No |
identifier | WSI21-116-Case-1 |
basedOn | WSI21-116 |
requisition | null |
intent | order |
category | 409073007 |
priority | routine |
code | outs |
orderDetail | case |
subject | MGH |
occurrenceDateTime | December 31, 1969 7:00:00 PM |
authoredOn | June 14, 2021 7:22:39 PM |
requester | Mml55 |
performer | MML55 |
locationCode | learn |
reasonCode | 65 year old woman with a remote history of sarcoidosis who presents with hoarseness. Laryngoscopy revealed friable lesions along the posterior laryngeal wall causing stenosis. |
supportingInfo | Mycobacterial Spindle Cell Pseudotumor |
specimen | null |
bodySite | null |
sequence | 1 |
access | public |
identifier | WSI21-116-Case-1_1 |
basedOn | WSI21-116-Case-1 |
partOf | WSI21-116 |
status | completed |
type | image |
modality | mrxs |
view | show |
createdDateTime | June 14, 2021 7:22:39 PM |
operator | Mml55 |
reasonCode | H&E |
bodySite | null |
frames | 1 |
content | WSI21-116-Case-1_1.mrxs |
note | null |
identifier | WSI21-116-Case-1_2 |
basedOn | WSI21-116-Case-1 |
partOf | WSI21-116 |
status | completed |
type | image |
modality | mrxs |
view | show |
createdDateTime | June 14, 2021 7:22:39 PM |
operator | Mml55 |
reasonCode | AFB |
bodySite | null |
frames | 2 |
content | WSI21-116-Case-1_2.mrxs |
note | null |
subject | Z0FBQUFBQmd4NjZWYmE2d2ltYmxTcDdCLWM5Yk5laWRDS2lMWkV3aFhRaExSc1MzWnd0RnRTOGFpWFNOc0x0TndfcjI0Z2JXNG1GU0tvN05rczEzeEFTTW5mUDVBXzM1R3c9PQ |