_creationDate | December 12, 2020 |
_modificationDate | December 9, 2024 |
_creator | Mjf79 |
_fullText | {{ServiceRequestCase
|requisition=Frozen Conference
|supportingInfo=FX1 (bile duct margin): TINEM
FX2 (pancreatic transection margin): positive for ca ... |
_numRevisions | 5 |
_isRedirect | No |
identifier | DZI20-199-Case-7 |
basedOn | DZI20-199 |
requisition | Frozen Conference |
intent | order |
category | 409073007 |
priority | routine |
code | study |
orderDetail | case |
subject | MGH |
occurrenceDateTime | December 31, 1969 7:00:00 PM |
authoredOn | December 12, 2020 5:45:21 PM |
requester | Mjf79 |
performer | VD019 |
locationCode | learn |
reasonCode | pancreas mass - whipple
FX1: bile duct margin
FX2 + level: pancreatic transection margin (2nd and 3rd slides)
FX2A: mass (4th slide) |
supportingInfo | FX1 (bile duct margin): TINEM
FX2 (pancreatic transection margin): positive for carcinoma
FX2A (mass): Positive for carcinoma
Permanent for part 2: Invasive adenocarcinoma with involved pancreatic transection margin |
specimen | null |
bodySite | null |
sequence | 7 |
access | public |
identifier | DZI20-199-Case-7_1 |
basedOn | DZI20-199-Case-7 |
partOf | DZI20-199 |
status | completed |
type | image |
modality | mrxs |
view | show |
createdDateTime | December 12, 2020 5:45:21 PM |
operator | Mjf79 |
reasonCode | H&E |
bodySite | null |
frames | 1 |
content | DZI20-199-Case-7_1.mrxs |
note | null |
identifier | DZI20-199-Case-7_2 |
basedOn | DZI20-199-Case-7 |
partOf | DZI20-199 |
status | completed |
type | image |
modality | mrxs |
view | show |
createdDateTime | December 12, 2020 5:45:21 PM |
operator | Mjf79 |
reasonCode | H&E |
bodySite | null |
frames | 2 |
content | DZI20-199-Case-7_2.mrxs |
note | null |
subject | Z0FBQUFBQmYxUUtpMlBZdkdaVWpUdUgtN2ROREliQkdWdTFqbzRFWm1Od1dHMGVYeEdEYnZDcjQ4MUx3TXZwbFBNb3FTOXJpN3oxRjlzb2hMdHRWU0tjY1lkMFpDX081dVE9PQ |
identifier | DZI20-199-Case-7_3 |
basedOn | DZI20-199-Case-7 |
partOf | DZI20-199 |
status | completed |
type | image |
modality | mrxs |
view | show |
createdDateTime | December 12, 2020 5:45:21 PM |
operator | Mjf79 |
reasonCode | H&E |
bodySite | null |
frames | 3 |
content | DZI20-199-Case-7_3.mrxs |
note | null |
subject | Z0FBQUFBQmYxUUttZk0zanE5THhSUUdidXlxSkdvYk10WDU1VFVwOXcyT09wczBDNC0zRUR0eXpXU19hYW42ZFp1WFJWd1pjbS1LWjhvUlBxdzR3b2tfdldKY3NISTNDTkE9PQ |
identifier | DZI20-199-Case-7_4 |
basedOn | DZI20-199-Case-7 |
partOf | DZI20-199 |
status | completed |
type | image |
modality | mrxs |
view | show |
createdDateTime | December 12, 2020 5:45:21 PM |
operator | Mjf79 |
reasonCode | H&E |
bodySite | null |
frames | 4 |
content | DZI20-199-Case-7_4.mrxs |
note | null |
status | active |
identifier | DZI20-199-Case-7 |
requester | Mjf79 |
authoredOn | December 12, 2020 5:45:21 PM |