_creationDate | October 26, 2020 |
_modificationDate | December 9, 2024 |
_creator | Aja51 |
_fullText | {{ServiceRequestCase
|requisition=MEEI Eye Pathology Collection
|supportingInfo=Papillary conjunctivitis in a patient with floppy eyelid syndrome. The ... |
_numRevisions | 6 |
_isRedirect | No |
identifier | DZI20-168-Case-3 |
basedOn | DZI20-168 |
requisition | MEEI Eye Pathology Collection |
intent | order |
category | 409073007 |
priority | routine |
code | study |
orderDetail | case |
subject | MGH |
occurrenceDateTime | December 31, 1969 7:00:00 PM |
authoredOn | October 26, 2020 9:03:14 PM |
requester | Aja51 |
performer | AZS15 |
locationCode | learn |
reasonCode | 50 year old morbidly obese gentleman with obstructive sleep apena and eyelid laxity. |
supportingInfo | Papillary conjunctivitis in a patient with floppy eyelid syndrome. There is marked hyperplasia of the conjunctival epitheilum with promient subepithelial fibrovascular proliferation and intraepithelial neutrophils. Also note the scarring of the tarsus with cystic dilation of the Meibomian glands • which is often seen in floppy eyelid syndrome. |
specimen | null |
bodySite | null |
sequence | 3 |
access | public |
identifier | DZI20-168-Case-3_1 |
basedOn | DZI20-168-Case-3 |
partOf | DZI20-168 |
status | completed |
type | image |
modality | mrxs |
view | show |
createdDateTime | October 26, 2020 9:03:14 PM |
operator | Aja51 |
reasonCode | null |
bodySite | null |
frames | 1 |
content | DZI20-168-Case-3_1.mrxs |
note | null |
subject | null |
status | active |
identifier | DZI20-168-Case-3 |
requester | Aja51 |
authoredOn | October 26, 2020 9:03:14 PM |