WSI24-149: Gynecologic didactic - Friday, August 16, 2024

From MGH Learn Pathology

Request type AP didactic (409073007) - BWH
Subspecialty Gynecologic
Set Cervix pathology
Topic Cervical pathology
Presenter Parra-Herran, Carlos E.,MD
Date and time Friday, August 16, 2024 12:00 PM

Case Clinical history Requester
Case Clinical history Requester

Case 1

31 y/o patient with abnormal cervical pap smear. Cep32

Case 2

29 y/o patient with ASCUS on pap smear and positive high-risk HPV testing. Cep32

Case 3

61 y/o with history of post-menopausal bleeding and endometrial polyp on ultrasound; underwent simple hysterectomy. Cep32

Case 4

51 y/o patient with abnormal cervical pap smear. Cep32

Case 5

33 y/o patient with positive high-risk HPV and HSIL on cervical cytology. Cep32

Case 6

29 y/o patient with AGUS on cervical cytology and positive high-risk HPV testing. Cep32

Case 7

47 y/o patient with exophytic exocervical lesion at 9 o'clock. Cep32

Case 8

43 y/o patient with abnormal uterine bleeding and irregular cervix on exam. Cep32

Case 9

37 y/o patient with large cervical mass detected during prenatal visit (13 weeks pregnant). Cep32

Case 10

55 y/o patient with post-menopausal bleeding and cervical mass and positive HPV 18 testing. Cep32

Case 11

36 y/o patient with menorrhagia and pelvic pain not responsive to medical management. Cep32

Case 12

32 y/o with endocervical polyp on exam. Cep32

Case 13

30 y/o with HSIL on biopsy; underwent cone excision. Cep32