WSI21-132: Respiratory Tract and Mediastinum

From MGH Learn Pathology

Request type Study
Subspecialty Cytology
Set Cytology
Topic Respiratory Tract and Mediastinum
Presenter MGH

Toggle columns: Diagnosis

Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis
Case Clinical history Requester Diagnosis

Case 1

82-year-old female. History of bronchiectasis and MAC. Iac0 Abundant neutrophils granular debris and rare acid-fast bacilli morphologically compatible with Mycobacterium.

Case 2

29yo M with HIV/AIDS and pulmonary infiltrates Mlz8 Pneumocystis pneumonia

Case 4

81yo female with multiple lung nodules (slides from right upper lobe nodule) Mlz8 Metastatic clear cell carcinoma (endometrial)

Case 5

71M. Lung mass. History of sinonasal adenoid cystic carcinoma. Iac0 Metastatic adenoid cystic carcinoma.

Case 6

61F. Left lower lobe lung mass. Iac0 Adenocarcinoma with papillary features. EGFR mutation.

Case 7

50M. BAL. Iac0 Histiocytes and proteinaceous debris consistent with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis.

Case 8

76M. History of melanoma. Now with lung mass and hilar lymphadenopathy. Iac0 Metastatic poorly differentiated lung adenocarcinoma with features resembling melanoma.

Case 9

68yo man with LLL mass and recent international travel history Em99 Histiocytic inflammation and variable sized yeast with narrow-based budding consistent with Cryptococcus microorganisms

Case 10

46 F. Left hilar mass. Iac0 Granular cell tumor

Case 11

82 F. History of anaplastic meningioma. Iac0 Metastatic anaplastic meningioma.

Case 12

46 F. History of meningioma. Iac0 Metastatic meningioma.

Case 13

77 y/old M with a right pleural mass Aja51 Dx Solitary fibrous tumor

Case 14

84M. History of laryngeal chondrosarcoma. Iac0 Recurrent chondrosarcoma.

Case 15

82F. History of angiosarcoma. Iac0 Metastatic angiosarcoma

Case 16

71M. History of cholangiocarcinoma. Pulmonary nodule. Iac0 Primary mucinous adenocarcinoma of lung primary. Comparison to prior cholangiocarcinoma show distinctly different cytomorphology.

Case 17

79 year old man with bronchiectasis. Cfh13 No Malignant Cells Identified. Charcot-Leyden crystals.

Case 18

49 year old F with history of carcinoma of the palate and a new lung nodule. Cfh13 Adenoid cystic carcinoma.

Case 19

67M. Lung mass. History of lymphoma. Iac0 Necrosis and fungal organisms in yeast forms most consistent with Cryptococcus spp.

Case 20

60 yo man with a history of asthma and smoking. New 10 cm hilar mass. Cfh13 No malignant cells identified.

Occasional fragments of hyphal forms consistent with Aspergillus sp. Correlation with culture recommended.

Charcot Leiden crystals.

Case 21

75 yo F with an omental mass and a history of primary lung malignancy. Cfh13 Positive for malignant cells. Consistent with metastatic small cell carcinoma.

Case 22

66f. R neck mass arising from thyroid cartilage. Iac0 Low-grade chondrosarcoma.

Case 23

73yo M with left upper lobe lung nodule Mlz8 Metastatic renal cell carcinoma clear cell type

Case 24

43yo M w/right upper lobe lung nodule Mlz8 Metastatic urachal adenocarcinoma enteric type

Case 25

82M history of prostate cancer Mlz8 Metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma

Case 26

70M with left perihilar lung mass Mlz8 Pulmonary hamartoma

Case 27

54F. History of breast carcinoma. 10R lymph node biopsy. Iac0 Metastatic triple-negative breast carcinoma.

Case 28

hx 3 cm LLL nodule Est105 Well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor/carcinoid NOS

Case 29

75F lung nodular opacity. Iac0 Fungal organisms consistent with Aspergillus spp.

Case 30

53 yo male with CLL Ndk6 Cryptococcus

Case 31

47F. Hx of pleomorphic adenoma of parotid gland. Now with lung mass. Iac0 Benign metastasizing pleomorphic adenoma

Case 32

66 yo male s/p lung transplant Ndk6 Fungal organisms morphologically consistent with Aspergillus species

Case 33

85M. Hx of CLL. Multiple bilateral cavitary and non-cavitary lung nodules. Iac0 Granulomatous inflammation with fungal organisms in yeast form consistent with Cryptococcus.

Case 34

87M RLL lung nodule Mlz8 Metastatic urothelial carcinoma

Case 35

73 YO male with pulmonary infiltrates and mediastinal lymphadenopathy Ndk6 Positive for adenocarcinoma and fungal organisms morphologically consistent with Aspergillus species.

Case 36

18 YO female Ndk6 Negative for malignancy- Cellular changes characteristic of Herpes simplex virus

Case 37

75 YO male with hemoptysis Ndk6 Adenocarcinoma

Case 38

65 YO male with newly enlarging right lung mass Ndk6 Adenocarcinoma with papillary features

Case 39

75 yo M with a cavitary lung mass. Cfh13 No malignant cells identified. Abundant fungal organisms in a background of necrotic debris. The fungi shows non-septate branching hyphae with scattered fungal spores with budding morphologically consistent with Zygomycetes.

Case 40

56 yo M who presented after having dinner in a steakhouse. Cfh13 No malignant cells identified. Pulmonary macrophages and acute inflammation. Fragment of skeletal muscle consistent with aspiration.

Case 41

71 year old female with mediastinal mass Aja51 Thymoma Type A

Case 42

79 yo M never smoker with a 2 cm well-defined pulmonary nodule Cfh13 Amyloidoma.

Case 43

86-year-old woman with hypoxemic respiratory failure Lt511 Herpes infection

Case 44

73 year old male Dc679 No cardia

Case 45

90 yo male Dc679 Metastatic Melanoma

Case 46

49F. History of adenoid cystic carcinoma. Now with pleural mass. Iac0 Metastatic adenoid cystic carcinoma.

Case 47

57 yo m w/ chest wall mass Ndk6 Small cell carcinoma

Case 48

67M. Pleural mass. Iac0 Epithelioid mesothelioma.

Case 139

60 yo m w/ RML lung nodule and h/o salivary gland ca Ndk6 Metastatic adenoid cystic carcinoma

Case 140

63 yo m w/ pseudomembranous formation and cobble stoning throughout airways concern for infection fungal vs viral Ndk6 Fungal organisms morphologically consistent with Aspergillus species

Case 141

71M. Hx of adenoid cystic carcinoma of submandibular gland. Iac0 Metastatic adenoid cystic carcinoma.

Case 142

63M. History of colorectal adenocarcinoma. Iac0 Metastatic colorectal adenocarcinoma.

Case 143

67 yo female with left lower lobe lung nodule biopsy and history of lymphoma Ndk6 B-cell lymphoma consistent with the patient’s known Mantle cell lymphoma.

Case 144

43-year-old man with LUL nodule Lt511 Pulmonary adenofibroma

Case 145

74-year-old woman with pulmonary nodule Lt511 Metastatic adenoid cystic carcinoma

Case 146

53-year-old man with history of lung transplant Lt511 True lipid droplets on Oil Red O in a background of hemosiderin-laden macrophages

Case 147

55yo F s/p lung transplant Ndk6 Bronchial columnar cells pulmonary macrophages and abundant fungal hyphae c/w Aspergillus

Case 148

58 yo femlae Chordoma of sacrum multiple pulmonary nodules Ndk6 Epithelioid neoplasm with abundant bubbly cytoplasm and associated myxoid stroma cytomorphologically compatible with metastatic chordoma

Case 149

history of shoulder melanoma new lung lesion Mu451 metastatic melanoma

Case 150

46 yo M s/p lung transplant Ndk6 No malignant cells identified- Fungal organisms morphologically consistent with Aspergillus species