Histological diagnosis: Glioblastoma
WHO histological grade: IV
Molecular information: IDH1: negative (R132H immunohistochemistry) MGMT promoter: methylated (methylation specific PCR)
IHC for mutant ID1(R132H) was negative and is sufficient in patients >55 years of age to determine IDH status (rare to find non-canonical mutations in this group).
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Clinical history
63 year old woman with a history of breast CA s/p bilateral mastectomy presents with difficulty walking, staggering gait, and fatigue
Integrated diagnosis: GLIOBLASTOMA, IDH-WILDTYPE Histological diagnosis: Glioblastoma WHO histological grade: IV Molecular information: IDH1: negative (R132H immunohistochemistry) MGMT promoter: methylated (methylation specific PCR) IHC for mutant ID1(R132H) was negative and is sufficient in patients >55 years of age to determine IDH status (rare to find non-canonical mutations in this group).
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